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TaigaChat - AJAX shoutbox

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Glad to hear it.

As I said in the PM, the chat CSS all looked fine so it had to be an outdated template.
It's always recommended to check for outdated templates after each upgrade, just in case.
I installed Taigachat first time after upgrading, it seems that I made some modification that gave that problem. Thank you for the information I'll try this next time.
Mods great!!! been pruning threw the code though removed the fadein and loads alot faster
but come on with this

    // Workaround specific to my board (mumble+cross-srcds chat integrated into taigachat ftw), sorry I'm too lazy to remove it for release :P
        if($options->boardUrl == 'http://www.gamingmasters.co.uk'){
            foreach($messages as &$message){
                if(substr($message['username'], 0, 1) == '(')
                    $message['usernameHtml'] = preg_replace('/(\(.*?\) )(.*)/', '<span class="muted">$1</span><span style="font-weight:bold">$2</span>', $message['username']);
ahhh i feel stupid lol

and lastly is there any way to change the format of the time i just want a simple 03:03:11 PM that way it always stays inline
got it to just show the time edited if anyone needs it
<span class='DateTime muted'><xen:datetime time="$message.date" /> - </span>
<span class='DateTime muted'>{xen:time $message.date, 'absolute'} - </span>
yeaa the drop down would be cool, i made a layout for vbulletin cyb shoutbox, really all you need is a submit button but half the noobs don't know what bbcode is so theres buttons for bold,i,l and a smiley dropdown
Screen shot 2011-01-22 at 1.34.48 PM.webp
but i love this shoutbox its really clean and simple
0.3.0 released :)

0.3.0 (23/01/2010):

  • Added alternative URL routes: /chat, /chatbox, /shoutbox, along with an admin option to select the primary route.
  • Added option for mini avatars (16x16px) next to messages.
  • Added 'Members in Chat' block on full view, showing members who have recently posted in the shoutbox or opened the full/popup view.
  • Added XenPorta module.
  • Added support for template code being included on pages other than the forum index.
  • Added option for absolute times rather than '5 minutes ago' etc.
  • Fixed 'Reverse direction' disabled not working correctly in popup view.
  • Fixed the shoutbox doing a double refresh on the initial load.
  • Improved width of popup view chat area at small window sizes.
  • Removed redundant template include in dark_taigachat_full
  • Removed pointless copyright/credit link (you're still welcome to donate though ;))

I decided to leave out the draggable resizing and template hooks for now, anything else is something I've forgotten.

Seems to work fine on Beta 6 as well as RC1.
How do we get that "members in chat" in the shoutbox sidebar into the sidebar, same place, of say the forum, portal, etc... so members can quickly see who is in chat at any given time? Or not possible?
How do we get that "members in chat" in the shoutbox sidebar into the sidebar, same place, of say the forum, portal, etc... so members can quickly see who is in chat at any given time? Or not possible?

Unfortunately it means an extra query on those pages (even if the block isn't used) so I'll add support for that as an admin option in the next minor release :)
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