[TAC] Fool Bot Honey Pot

[TAC] Fool Bot Honey Pot [Paid] 3.0.32

No permission to buy ($29.00)
I'm not fond of Bad Behaviour, even I have been detected as a spammer on forums that use this. I know one of the things it does is make use of Http:BL (which AnyApi can do, and from looking at the results from AnyApi and comparing APIs Http:BL is not a particularly good API)

FoolBotHoneyPot stops 100% of bots with 0 false negatives, I don't want to contaminate it with something that does not detect 100% of bots and does give false negatives... there are plenty of APIs that can do that job (and the more APIs you use in combination, the more false negatives you will have)

FoolBotHoneyPot is not an API, it is a combination of mechanisms, I'm not going to add something that will make it worse.

To stop bots using up bandwidth / cpu, there is: StopBotResources
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Getting a ton of errors in my forums and essentially all user registrations have stopped at this point. I log into see 100-400 of these messages after several hours.

I can't see that error fully, can you paste it here

Class not found suggest a missing file

Can you explain the history. Is this a new install of FBHP, an existing install of FBHP where you have updated XF to 1.2 / other?
So, its a new install of FBHP ?

From the small amount that I can see from the error in the image
line 486 on FBHP is this:
$writer->setCustomFields($customFields, $customFieldsShown);

It would be better if you could paste the entire error
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(possibly) Unrelated, but are you also using something that alters the IP address of your users (for instance cloudflare)

If so, you might want to configure it so that it doesn't detect all of your users as coming from the same IP address (or turn off stopBotters), otherwise everyone that attempts to register will be blocked by APIs

Edit, see here for your cloudflare issue:
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It could be an issue with 1.2 and custom fields (although I would be surprised that no one else mentioned it).
I'm just upgrading a test site with custom fields now, to see if that's the case
From my quick test, there seems to be no issue with 1.2 - custom fields and this add-on.
Are you using anything else that alters the registration page (for instance, is the player id a normal custom field)
It looks like there is something that has added itself to the registration page. I am looking into that now trying to identify what the field is related to.
I found and removed the bogus line item from the registration page. I did not add it and disabling every single add on did not resolve this, I am unsure what it was at this point.
Is the issue resolved, I've tried to register and I don't see the error any more?

If not, can you try the few things I sent you via conversation and let me know the results
Yes sir, it is resolved at this point. It is unknown what the extra field was, I didn't add it and couldn't find any addon that used it. The only thing I can think is that it was a leave over from something I tested and found not to work properly.
Okay, fair enough.. no errors with FoolBotHoneyPot, all is good then

It looks like you have also resolved your cloudflare issue (y)
Yes sir! Thanks for being so attentive to the issue, even though it wasn't yours. Cloudflare had already started causing some issues, so I am glad you pointed out that thread.
Does this addon do the same thing as your StopBotResources addon?

In other words, does it do this:

  • This plugin looks for proxies that have recently been used by spam bots
  • If the proxy is known to be used by spam bots, every page the spam bot visits, they are returned a 404 (or an error of your choice)
  • This significantly reduces the number of queries required for each page the bot visits (1 instead of 11-15) (reducing CPU usage used by bots)
  • This significantly reduces the size of the data for each page (100's of bytes, rather than 100's of kilobytes ) (reducing bandwidth usage used by bots)
  • As a side affect, this plugin has a few other anti-bot affects:
  • i) Even if a bot has registered on your forum a long time in the past (some people call them sleeper bots), if the proxy is known to be used by bots, they will never be able to login and post spam
  • ii) If a bot uses a known proxy, they can not register

FoolBotHoneyPot only stops bots from registering, but it stops 100% of bots from registering (both known and unknown bots) using elegant mechanisms, and these mechanism are invisible / unnoticeable to humans. The bots will still visit each page, they just wont be able to register

StopBotResources stops 75-95% of bots from using any resources (these are known bots), it does this using the StopProxies API, it does this on every core page. The bots get returned a 404 (or error of your choice), this requires less queries(1 instead of 11-15), and a lot less bandwidth (bytes instead of hundreds of thousands of bytes).

With FoolBotHoneyPot installed, I haven't had to worry about bots registering on any of my forums (pre an post 1.2) - This plugin is for large and small forums

With StopBotResoutces installed I haven't had to worry about bots taking up too much bandwidth for my small forums on shared hosts - This plugin is for small start up forums, since for large forums bot resources are negligible
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Hmm, it would be a good idea to set a cron to clear up this table (at least weekly). They are only temp ids, they shouldn't be taking up that much space

To do /* Add cron job to clear up temp uuids */ ( I thought I had already done this, clearly not)

Just found this whilst looking for sf_foolbothoneypot_uuids table which, on CycleChat, has hit 4,683,174 records!!

I came looking for it because pretty much every query is now hitting the slow_query_log so I wondered what criteria I could use to clear this down a little?

Can I just truncate it and start afresh?

Shaun :D
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