Sypex Dumper, Backup and restore your database

Sypex Dumper, Backup and restore your database

Never mind...... I re-uploaded everything again and this time it shows up. I guess something didn't upload right the last time.

Of course just my luck... It never does finish backing up.

Execution stopped by user

^^ Always seem to get that.

I just started getting that recently. Any idea on a fix?
I just started getting that recently. Any idea on a fix?
If someone else is hosting you.... Find a new host.

It's basically because the setup on the server does not allow X script, typically in this case perl (if I recall) from running past X amount of time and process.
thank you very much!
I got this from their documentation.
Hopefully this helps.

SypexDumperstarting from version 2.0.5 supports the work from the command line (console/cron).
The following arguments:
  • -h=localhost - MySQL-host
  • -o=3306 - port
  • -u=root - username
  • -p=password - password
  • -j=my_job - name of the saved job
Only argument -j with the name of the saved job required, all the rest must be specified in the event that they differ from the data stored in the config file.

I'm having problems to understand this. Can somebody help me?

Suppose I have a database named account_database1 and a phpmyadmin username named "admin" with the password "12345".

How should by the command?
what does mean "name of the saved job"?
@Claudio, in your case, you probably don't need to provide such informations. Just /usr/bin/php /path/to/forum/sxd/index.php -j=job_name should be enough.

As note tutorial needs some update, the latest version is 2.0.10.
Wow, amazing, thanks for the "addon"! I was wondering how hard would it be to integrate DropBox so that backup archives are sent to DropBox instead of a FTP?

Yes, I want something like this.
That auto upload the backup file to another server (may a separate vps, ftp, dropbox).
Did somebody know how to do this?
i had issue about unix system Cpanel cron job
with this command

/usr/local/bin/php /absolute_path_to_dumper/index.php -j=my_job

solved with this command

php -q /home/myxenforoAdminusername/public_html/sxd/index.php -j=mydatabasename_db
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what i need to change to make it works for my forum

my forum on the root /

my sxd folder are in another folder called back

so its like

what i need to change to make it work fine
or i need to reupload the sxd folder to the root /
what i need to change to make it works for my forum

my forum on the root /

my sxd folder are in another folder called back

so its like

what i need to change to make it work fine
or i need to reupload the sxd folder to the root /

Follow the instructions in the first post. It explains how to setup your program and paths.
Does this work with 1.4? Because I have been sitting here for half an hour and nothing ever populates in the right side, just says Loading forever. Screen Shot 2014-09-15 at 13.32.47.webp
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