Switch from Mysql to MariaDb


Active member

When I buy a new dedicated server (well, renew it) i have the option to keep Debian 8 and Mysql or switch to Debian 9 and MariaDb.... Despite Debian 9 being better than 8, I keep with 8 because of Mysql... So .... What are the steps (with indications for stupids like me :)) to migrate Xenforo 2.0 mysql to MariaDB?
It's done for you automatically via WHM/cPanel. Just one step: click the button in WHM:

Home >> SQL Services >> MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade

Or to be absolutely safe, two steps:
  1. backup your database
  2. click the button in WHM
My server part "its done" (I'll get help from my server's company), but I asked for xenforo... I mean.... what steps I must take only with xenforo (file configuration, change something in options....) :)
You shouldn't need to do anything in Xenforo. It's, as the documentation describes, "a drop-in replacement" for MySQL.

OK, so I only would need change something if I rename the actual database, but If I only change MySQL to MariaDB (but the name remains the same)... in Xenforo don't have to do nothing
The only place you would need to change anything in XF is the src/config.php file, but only if any of the DB details change.
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