Implemented Super Live Search - An example of how it should be


Active member
Here's an example how Xenforo should extend their Enhanced Search towards "Super Enhanced Live Search":
(thats from xenforo board - it's their own implementation with javascript [AngularJS?])

This "Super Enhanced Live Search" goes through
  • Threads: 676.907 (!)
  • Answers: 3.680.753 (!)
Of course it's the power of Elastic & Lucene, just the javascript for live search is missing in xenforo.. :-(

Anybody who wants this too, let that know the developers with writing a quick answer here ;- )

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This would only make sense if a query cache would also be in play and the "Super Enhanced Live Search" would show suggestions based on what has been searched most by other users. Similar what Axivo did years ago with it's Searchlight for vB and what Googles does since its search engine exists. This also only makes sense at large boards with a huge query count.

Your example simply finds the titles of threads a little bit earlier and without hitting the "Search" button using AJAX. This is just a small convenient feature, can be coded in an hour. But there is no interesting functionality and this has been already published years ago as an add-on. It works even at boards without Elasticsearch installed!
This would only make sense if a query cache would also be in play and the "Super Enhanced Live Search" would show suggestions based on what has been searched most by other users. Similar what Axivo did years ago with it's Searchlight for vB and what Googles does since its search engine exists. This also only makes sense at large boards with a huge query count.

Your example simply finds the titles of threads a little bit earlier and without hitting the "Search" button. This is just a small convinient feature. But there is no interesting functionality and this can be accomplished with a very old already publiched add-on. And even at each board without Elasticsearch installed.

Which old addon does provide this? Could you please link that?
Thanks. But this addon does not integrate itself into the Xenforo given (enhanced) search field. I'm still asking to implement that into the enhanced search core.

An embedded live search in the default form - even "only with thread titles" as you say - does provide a completely new (and much better!) forum feeling. Because, when you have to hit a search button or the complete board design is changing itself (the openfire livesearch addon), you eyes have to re-focuse the complete webpage. Ahm, its hard to explain ;- )

I'm asking me tho things:
  • When buying the enhanced search, why not using a good live search when its included?
  • The board embedded search should be better than search trough the board via google. Give your visitors a reason, why come back to your board and search there.
I'm a bit sad about the general meaning, the current xenforo search is enough.
does provide a completely new (and much better!) forum feeling.

As I said. Just a comfort feature. Should be included in UI.X. ;)

But this addon does not integrate itself into the Xenforo given (enhanced) search field.

This would be very easy to accmplish. ;) But this add-on also has some other more important disadvantages. It issues a query against the whole thread table after each single digit someone enters into the search field. A nightmare for more than very small sites.

I'm a bit sad about the general meaning, the current xenforo search is enough.

I think you missunderstood me. But simply "live search" the thread titles in the general search field and link to them when selected is a VERY BAD idea. If people get some titles as suggestions, no one ever would hit the button and really search through all the content of your board. Which is what the search field is for. ;)

There should be a query cache and Ajax should be used to suggest common query strings to be entered into the search field. Hitting "Enter" will bring up the same page as now with the results. This is what I would expect from an enhanced search solution.

Give your visitors a reason, why come back to your board and search there.

The reason is already here. The integrated search will find all non public content of your board the user has access to. If you don't have any non-public content, you should offer the Google search for your visitors. There would be no need to buy, install and administrate Elasticsearch if all your pages are accessible by Google.
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This would be very easy to accmplish. ;) But this add-on also has some other more important disadvantages. It issues a query against the whole thread table after each single digit someone enters into the search field. A nightmare for more than very small sites.

This is what elasticsearch stands for. Query against the cluster index after each single digit soomeone enters into the search field ;) Therefore my request should be implemented for enhanced search (= elasticsearch) and not into the mysql query version.

I think you missunderstood me. But simply "live search" the thread titles in the general search field and link to them when selected is a VERY BAD idea. If people get some titles as suggestions, no one ever would hit the button and really search through all the content of your board. Which is what the search field is for. ;)

There should be a query cache and Ajax should be used to suggest common query strings to be entered into the search field. Hitting "Enter" will bring up the same page as now with the results. This is what I would expect from an enhanced search solution.

As you can see in my example, it does display a view of ~20 Results (sorted by latest activity), scroll-able onto 200 results, and an "advance search" button. Thats all you need to be sure that people will find every thread you want.

We have a different view for what "enhanced search" stands for, i see :sneaky:
I had always assumed this was what Enhanced Search already offered. Pretty disappointing to see it doesn't. Mid-2018 and no updates? Have I overlooked something obvious?
I really like this feature. I liked the 1st post over 3 years ago. My only question is how hard of hit would this put on the server if you have say 75-100 searching at one time?
Would be nice to have this :)

I implemeted this with Sphinx on our vBulletin 4 forums a loong time a ago and kinda miss than on XF now .
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