[Suggestion] Signatures in Private Conversations

It's no different to threads though is it?
Every post has the signature repeated.

Signatures will be switched off on my forum anyway seeing as we can't stop images from being displayed.
Kier once posted a simple mod for vB to show sigs in threads once per page. It is different in threads in a way, since usually multiple people are posting. In a PC, it's usually just 2 people, which kind of amplifies the repeating effect.
Although the sigs in PC's don't really bother me, I think this suggestion is creative thinking and one indeed could wonder what the benefit is of repeating the sig over and over in the conversation? Especially when the user has one of these horrendously big image-sigs, they serve no purpose in a PC really do they? I [Like] it.
Why do you need them in a PC at all? Do people really need a visual reminder of who they're talking to in a PC? (Oh wait... I already griped about sigs this week. Well, put it on my tab for next week.)
I agree with them being showed only once, but not with completely removing them from PC. They can still contain information that someone in the PC may be interested in.

Actually in a long PC it may be better to have them in every post, since one of the participants may not have posted for several pages. So I'm not going to support this suggestion.
Keep it clean thats the theme!

Right! Also keep in mind, with vB the signature on each particular post and PM is optional - you can choose not to include it. With XenForo, that is not an option as far as I can tell, which is in line with the leaner and cleaner posting interface.
I suspect a lot of admin's will disable signatures completely considering images and smilies can't be prohibited.

Personally I have them switched off completely which makes everything so much cleaner anyway.
I suspect a lot of admin's will disable signatures completely considering images and smilies can't be prohibited.
This is sort of off topic, but I've seen you bring this up several times. What you said is the current behavior, yes, but I have no desire to make the lack of control a long term thing. :)
What you said is the current behavior, yes, but I have no desire to make the lack of control a long term thing. :)
That's good to hear Mike.

I know you might not want to do this for various reasons but a mini broad roadmap of what you plan to implement between the Beta and 1.0 might be useful.
Specifically for mod writers who might be working on stuff that you plan on doing anyway.
haha. i am actually waiting to see what more is in store for the forum frontend. but then i have already seen on response from mike that what we see here is what we are probably getting in beta 1 and potentially v1. :)
Personally I have them switched off completely which makes everything so much cleaner anyway.

I'll have to disagree with you here, Brogan - I hate it when forums I join don't allow signatures - if I like what someone posts, I often check their signature. And I wouldn't turn them off on the forums I admin - members who contribute content to the forum expect and deserve them. I do agree with you about the overdone sigs though. Mike is indicating that the lack of signature controls will be addressed within the standard featureset, but even if they weren't, I'm pretty sure that modifications would be available to restrict images and links.
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