Submit your site to the official customer showcase!

I am picking this up and will be going through the submissions prior to pushing it live.

if you have already submitted, ensure you update it to reflect the current status of the site.

Note that not all sites will be published - we are aiming to get a good mix of sites.
I am picking this up and will be going through the submissions prior to pushing it live.

if you have already submitted, ensure you update it to reflect the current status of the site.

Note that not all sites will be published - we are aiming to get a good mix of sites.
Thank you Brogan,

It’s a great incentive for us, while that might not have been clear. I’m glad you finally proceed with the Showcase.
I am currently going through all of the existing submissions to confirm the sites are still live, and approving any changes made since first submitted.

Then I will be going through all new submissions.

Once that is done, we will choose a selection of sites from each category which best show off XF.

We'll make an announcement once it is live.
It's here:

Once we're ready to go live we'll publish a link on the home page.

Remember, this is a showcase, not a directory, so not all sites are going to make the cut.
My own site for example won't be published because it uses the default style and doesn't have a lot of activity.
I understand, but why do you approve the sites if they are not showing in the "showcase" :D I don't get it, or does it mean you will use it for internal use only to showcase to your customer on request ?
It's the same system we use in the ACP for certain content, bb code media sites for example.

It's in the system but may not be enabled.


We may decide to show it in the future.
I've been approved and I updated mine a bit, but I don't think the XF team is gonna go for a site dedicated to freedom of speech. lol I hope I'm proven wrong though!
@Arnox yours is not a forum for free speech but a forum for people who see conspiracies about everything 😅
Your forum has few members, few contents and the default theme with a black background so it is certainly not an interesting forum to appear in the xenforo showcase but since you are a conspiracy theorist, you say that you are not being published because xenforo is against freedom of speech 😂
Mine was approved as well. :) Where is the actual showcase though where we can view sites submitted to it? It should be displayed somewhere on the homepage IMHO.
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