Add-on Submission Only forum



I've just purchased XenForo and I love it. One thing I noticed is that you can create Private forum categories, where people can post something and another user group can have permission to view it. However, people that post in this topic can only view their own posts and nothing important, for example, a sticky thread.

I'd like it so that people can view their own threads and view sticky threads with information from forum staff in them. Moderators or assigned user groups should still be able to view everyone's threads.

An example would be at

I personally wouldn't ever use the "View threads by others" permission, but I can see how it would be useful for certain sites and being able to view threads created by staff in such a forum would be desirable.

If I get a chance I may knock up a quick add-on for this.
I personally wouldn't ever use the "View threads by others" permission, but I can see how it would be useful for certain sites and being able to view threads created by staff in such a forum would be desirable.

If I get a chance I may knock up a quick add-on for this.
Thank you so much! That'd be great :)

Two new permissions:
  • View sticky threads
  • View threads by staff

"Staff" is defined on if the first user of a thread has the "Staff" flag set on their account.
Hmm.. doesn't seem to be working for me?
Server Error Log
Error Info
ErrorException: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected '[' -library/SV/ViewStaffThreads/XenForo/Model/Thread.php:89
Generated By: GuruGamers, 1 minute ago
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(42) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
That is a php version issue (I developed it with php 5.5/5.6)

I'll update it soon to hopefully work around that.
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