XF 2.1 Style Weirdness. Any thoughts?


Well-known member
So I have a weird phenomenon happening on my site. A couple examples:
  • I happened to logout and noticed the logo was broken. Weird because I was sure it was okay when I was logged in. Log back in. It's there. Log out and log in with my test user. Broken. Back to my admin account and check the Style Properties. Sure enough, the logo is pointing to the wrong file. Somehow it got set to a copy of the logo that exists only in dev. Fix it. All seems well both logged out and in both accounts.
  • That was a couple days ago. Now tonight I was changing another style property, an image that appears on the other side of the header from the logo. The image does not change when I change it in the style property and refresh. Log out. New image is there. Log in with my test account. New image is there. Go back to my regular account. Old image.
So it seems like when I am logged with my regular account, which is an admin, I am not seeing changes to the style properties for some reason, but they are changing for non-admin users (my test account) and guests.

Any ideas on what is up because is is a real pain to change style properties if I can't be sure I am seeing the correct results.

Tested in both Chrome and Edge. I tried dumping the cache in Chrome, too.
Checked for the line in config.php per your post here and it's not there. You mention it being turned on by an add-on, too. Seems unlikely. I only use one add-on (Xenporta) and haven't added anything else recently.
Nope. Uploaded to my site.

Updated to 2.1.10 this morning so I will test again but I didn't see anything relevant when I eyeballed the fixes (but was also not specifically looking for it at the time).
Okay, so after more testing, it appears to be ... me. My superadmin is okay (at least in my dev). I promoted one of my test accounts to a regular admin with the same rights as my regular account and changed the header image and it saw the change so seems okay. So something is messing up specific to my account. Fun, wow.
Figured it out. Dumb stuff. Somehow there's two copies of my style (and the parent) and I had selected the one that wasn't getting changed. Regular users weren't affected because only the one I was changing was active so they couldn't see the one that had the old image (as an admin, I could). Now I need to go back and figure out why those extra copies are there. I have a vague feeling I remember that being deliberate but it may have been just a backup thing.
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