Won't fix Style Property Groups Extend Past Admin Footer


Well-known member
Originally posted here: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/vaultwiki-for-xenforo.16828/page-4#post-505559

I'm aware that it's better practice to create multiple property groups, but here we are with a fringe condition, and some (very large) add-ons may want to store them all in one convenient place... So, when a large number of non-scalar Style Properties are all together in one group, this happens:


Ideally there would be some kind of scrollbar, or maybe just the page-container and right pane should extend to accomodate (imo a slick XenScroller would be better). You can also do a simpler solution than a scrollbar and just add groups > X-number to a drop-down at the end.
This isn't something I'm going to fix. Partially because it's actually surprisingly involved as the code there all assumes that the left column will be shortly than the right. But also, that page is a little slow to load because of all the JS processing that needs to be done, and frankly I don't want to encourage people to put that many properties in one group for performance reasons. They should really split up the groups if possible.
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