XF 2.2 Stripe's Pesky Postcode Field


Well-known member
Using Stripe as my payment gateway

Almost every other day I get at least one email from someone who tells me they cannot pay subs as their payment errors with "Postcode incomplete". For every one that bothers to email me about this problem I can see there are a few who don't succeed and give up. So this is costing me hard cash.

The thing is, the dumb postcode field is hidden until they have entered their CVC. Their browser or password manager, fills the open fields, they press enter, and It's Postcode incomplete :doh:

The postcode field is missing from the payment form until the CVC is filled when it slides in from right to left. So many people miss this.

Is there a way to have that postcode field showing up all the time, and not just appearing at the last minute and being missed?

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As far as I know it'd need a new implementation of Stripe's newer Payment Element instead of the Card Element, as the Payment one has separate fields. The existing Card Element input field is all handled by Stripe and I don't think there's any way to customise how it works (as I've had the same issue at various points in the past).

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