XF 2.1 Strange message


Well-known member
I upgraded my forum to XF 2.1

This message appears: The Board URL option does not match the site URL configured for your license.

That is strange - it still is the same addres I use since 2016.
This is a new feature in XF 2.1 so that certainly makes sense. But to know how to resolve it, I'll need to know the board URL as it is written in the option I mentioned above.
That makes sense then. I suspect your board URL option is as you've said above, e.g. https://piepcomp.nl. We only actually compare the bit after the https:// so it wouldn't detect a difference with http and https anyway.

But your license is set to https://www.piepcomp.nl. The www. is significant here. I've edited that. If you run the upgrade check (Under Tools > Check for upgrade) again, it should remove the message.
We've tracked this down.

It appears as though that on nationaalcomputerforum.nl you are using the XF files from a different license. You need to log in to the correct customer account for the nationaalcomputerforum.nl license, download the correct files for your license and then re-upload those files.
Well, it kind of implies that you might be breaking the license agreement which could lead to the revocation of your license.

That said, we can see that's not the case here.

Though bear in mind if you are using the files from a different license and they have different product/add-on entitlements and different expiry dates then that could lead to some tricky situations.

So, no, not harmful right now, but it could be. We'd highly recommend using the correct files for the correct license.
Hello Chris, I deleted the internal_data/install-lock.php and thereafter re-upgraded with the upgrade files received from dekort.
But it was to no avail - still Admin shows The Board URL option does not match the site URL configured for your license.

What to do next?
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