Lack of interest Spiders XML?

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Well-known member
I looked but didnt see one, But then im famous for overlooking things.. So is there a Spiders XML in the XF package? and if so how would one go about adding spiders to the list?
I know Dream (i think it was dream) had a modified spider xml for vB with hundreds of spiders listed.. Id like something like that again.
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what's the status of this?
Are the robots hardcoded in xf 1.2?
is there a global database which sync feature or any other import feature?
Without seeing code, I know it was hardcoded into v1.1 somewhere. I know there was a thread about it not to long ago.

@xf_phantom: 1.1 has it in XenForo_Session::$knownRobots and XenForo_Session::isRobot().

	 * Search engine domains (excluding TLD)
	 * @var array
	public static $searchDomains = array

	 * Known robot user agent substrings
	 * @var array
	public static $knownRobots = array
		'sogou web spider',
		'xenforo signature generator',
		'yahoo! slurp',

This can be changed with a file edit or an addon that changes these public static vars of XenForo_Session.
The code for the robots has changed, but it is roughly in the same location as what Jake has pointed out. The manner in which an add-on would modify it won't be the same as in 1.1.
Is the XF 1.2 spiderlist much expanded? The above is a very short list compared to the spiderlist that mosh made for vb or that bad behavior has.
IMO this is already available
We can add to $_knownRobots and $_robotMap via event listeners

correction: we can't, because they're not static
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Not everyone is a developer.

I suspect the suggestion is to do with an easy way to create a list in the ACP.


and i was also wrong, we can't just add them..:/
We would have to overwrite the session class instead of just adding it to the array, because he's not static
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