

Active member
Not sure if I am on the right thread, if so my apologies with this my first post as a newbie.
I keep getting spammers who register as members each time because the captcha facility is active. I ban their IP's but I guess they know how to keep changing them. They mostly come from the one area - New York. So I have to check out each one and delete them separately.

Is there any other method of dealing with this problem?

I am also a candidate for the 'Dummies' award re language used by you a really simple step-by-step solution (if any) would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Well I managed the first link OK (I hope). I added all the things listed plus another one. I could not find the section that was shaded blue under the title 'code'. Is that somewhere else?

Also, I selected the 'reject' button so that they are automatically deleted. I cannot see any reason to remove them manually(?).

The second link will take a bit longer to follow. I can't mess with the html as I know less than nothing about it. I hope the first one works Ok.
I downloaded it but I have 1.5.4 XenForo. If it's OK for my version I have no idea what to do next. It seems to have three parts to it when contents extracted. I said I was a dummy. I can see where to add add-ons if you have the I do not need to know that part...only how to find the link?
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