something is wrong


Active member
Yesterday i converted my forum from IPB to xF, everything was fine, now that i just woke up and i visited my site i saw at the footer:

 jQuery.extend(true, XenForo, { visitor: { user_id: 0 }, serverTimeInfo: { now: 1369045615, today: 1369004400, todayDow: 1 }, _lightBoxUniversal: "0", _enableOverlays: "1", _animationSpeedMultiplier: "1", _overlayConfig: { top: "10%", speed: 200, closeSpeed: 100, mask: { color: "rgb(255, 255, 255)", opacity: "0.6", loadSpeed: 200, closeSpeed: 100 } }, _ignoredUsers: [], _loadedScripts: {"node_list":true,"node_category":true,"node_forum":true,"sidebar_share_page":true,"login_bar":true}, _cookieConfig: { path: "/", domain: "", prefix: "xf_"}, _csrfToken: "", _csrfRefreshUrl: "login/csrf-token-refresh", _jsVersion: "3067a8be" }); jQuery.extend(XenForo.phrases, { cancel: "Cancel", a_moment_ago: "A moment ago", one_minute_ago: "1 minute ago", x_minutes_ago: "%minutes% minutes ago", today_at_x: "Today at %time%", yesterday_at_x: "Yesterday at %time%", day_x_at_time_y: "%day% at %time%", day0: "Sunday", day1: "Monday", day2: "Tuesday", day3: "Wednesday", day4: "Thursday", day5: "Friday", day6: "Saturday", _months: "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December", _daysShort: "Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat", following_error_occurred: "The following error occurred", server_did_not_respond_in_time_try_again: "The server did not respond in time. Please try again.", logging_in: "Logging in", click_image_show_full_size_version: "Click this image to show the full-size version.", show_hidden_content_by_x: "Show hidden content by {names}" }); // Facebook Javascript SDK XenForo.Facebook.appId = ""; XenForo.Facebook.forceInit = true;

my site is:


any ideas whats wrong?
Your footer looks normal to me:


Any specific page it is happening on?
I think i fixed it, i had added a stat counter in a wrong place in the page_container_js_body, i had to add the code before <script> and not after it
Great stuff :) there ya go... two minutes on xenforo and you can already troubleshoot (y) Congratulations on your conversion!
Great stuff :) there ya go... two minutes on xenforo and you can already troubleshoot (y) Congratulations on your conversion!

Hehe thanks, not an easy choice, now that IPB4 is coming out and it will be completely rewriter, was tempting, but i said since my forum is new lets try out xenforo and i can always convert back to IPB4 if xenforo can't get to IPB's level
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