[SolidMean] ForumBackup

[SolidMean] ForumBackup 1.3.01

No permission to download
This error show during install. Any help?

The callback class 'SolidMean_ForumBackup_Option_Copies' for option 'SolidMeanForumBackupCopies' is not valid.
Can you add an option to email notify you that backup is done? because sometimes the board dont turn on after the backup is done.

I would think that might be about as reliable as the board turning back on. Nice idea, might not work out for the bad times though. Not getting an email is a sign too though lol. But if your awake to notice not getting something. Then you probably didn't need it.
Can you add an option to email notify you that backup is done? because sometimes the board dont turn on after the backup is done.
If you are running version 1.0.1 or higher, that shouldn't be the case, but I'll look into adding that as option. It probably wouldn't be used much if you run a lot of backups. You can run it manually from the tools -> cron entry page to see how it performans without have to wait for the cron to start.

Do you have any server errors generated from running the cron manually? If you run it manually, is the board still turned off after it finishes? You can turn debug on in the add-on and run the backup again, and send me the output of the log file created, and I can take a lot at it.
Maintenance mode feature works well, as does the rest of the addon.
My only issue is that it takes around 1 minute, and for that time the entire website is down, something phpMyAdmin or using mysqldump from SSH doesn't do. I even got a Cloudflare offline message.
Database is 2.5gb.

I don't even want to try backing up the 16gb forum root lol.
Turning the forum off is optional, it was recently added. It's under the Miscellaneous tab. It has a warning, that you may not get a complete backup by not turning off the forum, but I've never had a problem on restores (fingers crossed).

I don't think "complete" is really the correct word, but I couldn't think of something better.

I had forgotten that XenForo returns a 503 error right, when the forum is in maintenance? And so cloudflare sees that and intervenes with it's own UI?
No, it just displays a maintenance message. The forum was actually offline, not just closed.
I can confirm this addon put maintenance mode and then forum online back again in version 1.0.2a, Database Backup only.

(ps: I have gigs of attachment, so I don't test in for website backup)

2014-09-17 02:41:46 | INFO | START Backup
2014-09-17 02:41:46 | INFO | Turning forum off...
2014-09-17 02:41:46 | INFO | Created temp config:  /home/backup/.ForumBackup_9c6b786.cnf
2014-09-17 02:41:46 | INFO | Running database backup with: mysqldump --defaults-extra-file=/home/backup/.ForumBackup_9c6b786.cnf xen_dbase | gzip > /home/backup/forumbackup_2014-09-17-024146.sql.gz 2>> /home/backup//forumbackup.log
2014-09-17 02:41:59 | INFO | Database backup complete...
2014-09-17 02:41:59 | INFO | Deleting old database backups...
2014-09-17 02:41:59 | INFO | No sql backups to delete...
2014-09-17 02:41:59 | INFO | Turning forum on...
2014-09-17 02:41:59 | INFO | Verified that database backup exists...
2014-09-17 02:41:59 | INFO | Verified that database backup has data...
2014-09-17 02:41:59 | INFO | END ForumBackup
If you turn on debug in the options and send me the output of the latest run in a conversation, I'll take a look for anything out of the ordinary.
Server Error Logs:
XenForo_Exception: Code backup exists but has 0 length. Run again with debug enabled - library/SolidMean/ForumBackup/CronEntry/Backup.php:106
Generated By: Unknown Account, Today at 3:17 AM

2014-09-17 01:17:01 | INFO | START Backup
2014-09-17 01:17:05 | INFO | Created temp config:  /media/usb0/.ForumBackup_839e598.cnf
2014-09-17 01:17:05 | INFO | Running database backup with: mysqldump --defaults-extra-file=/media/usb0/.ForumBackup_839e598.cnf caviaforum | gzip > /media/usb0/forumbackup_17-09-2014-011705.sql.gz 2>> /media/usb0//forumbackup.log
2014-09-17 01:21:08 | INFO | Database backup complete...
2014-09-17 01:21:08 | INFO | Deleting old database backups...
2014-09-17 01:21:08 | INFO | No sql backups to delete...
2014-09-17 01:21:08 | INFO | Backing up code with: tar czvf /media/usb0/forumbackup_17-09-2014-011705.code.tar.gz /var/www/html 2>> /media/usb0//forumbackup.log
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
2014-09-17 04:37:22 | INFO | Deleting old code backups...
2014-09-17 04:37:22 | INFO | No code backups to delete...
2014-09-17 04:37:22 | INFO | Verified that database backup exists...
2014-09-17 04:37:22 | INFO | Verified that database backup has data...
2014-09-17 04:37:22 | INFO | Verified that code backup exists...
2014-09-17 04:37:22 | ERROR | Code backup exists but has 0 length.
That error indicates that something is wrong with the tar command that that backup is trying to execute.
First, is the file located here actually empty?

Second, is this a USB stick or something that you're saying it to? Just curious.

Thirdly, can you run this command manually, and does it create a file with content?
tar czvf /media/usb0/forumbackup_TEST.code.tar.gz /var/www/html

Your database backup only takes 3 minutes, but your directory backup is taking 3 hours. I assume your /var/www/html is quite large? I wonder if you are running out of space during that tar process.

I would disable doing a code backup until some of those questions are answered.
No, the file is 37201 MB.
This is an external HD, Western Digital Black 1 TB.
This command will I do tonight.

Seems strange that you would have a database dump that takes just minutes, but your forum dir is 36 gig. Let me know how it goes. This isn't a windows server is it? I can't get the tar command to work well with piped output on Windows, in fact, I get the same error message.
So, just for my own curiosity, you have your own Linux server, with a 1TB external WD drive attached to it for storage?
The external drives will be used only for the backup, and exchanged after every full backup.
Of course, you NEVER kept backups on your server. In case of fire, you lost everything.
If you are running version 1.0.1 or higher, that shouldn't be the case, but I'll look into adding that as option. It probably wouldn't be used much if you run a lot of backups. You can run it manually from the tools -> cron entry page to see how it performans without have to wait for the cron to start.

Do you have any server errors generated from running the cron manually? If you run it manually, is the board still turned off after it finishes? You can turn debug on in the add-on and run the backup again, and send me the output of the log file created, and I can take a lot at it.
No errors at all.
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