Soft Responsive [Deleted]

Right. I'll have to re-think whole header situation then :(

Normally that problem would be solved by adding overflow:hidden to logo container, but in 1.2 that would hide search popup, so that's not an option.
Right. I'll have to re-think whole header situation then :(

Normally that problem would be solved by adding overflow:hidden to logo container, but in 1.2 that would hide search popup, so that's not an option.
Would adding a width setting under 'Responsive Header and Navigation' for the logo help?

So eg can keep 'Header and Navigation with no width set (So it shows right full screen), but in 'Responsive Header and Navigation' add a width so it centers right in mobile views?
Think this might be due to xenporta (what btw as a 1.2 version, its been posted within the discussion for the addon) but videos via the media bbcode don't resize on the portal, what adds a big gap down side.
Think this might be due to xenporta (what btw as a 1.2 version, its been posted within the discussion for the addon) but videos via the media bbcode don't resize on the portal, what adds a big gap down side.
Have fixed this by adding the following into Extra.css
        display: none;
        .baseHtml iframe
            display: block;
            max-width: 100%;

Edit: That broke the editor :|

Edit: Fixed using: .newsText iframe { max-width: 100%;}
Last edited:
I've upgraded to the beta 3 but still see me outdated templates.
And with the update now the logo is not centered.

Edit: Already is in the center, but you always have to add width to the logo?
Something strange is going on with your installation. None of templates listed on your screenshot were updated in rc2, so its not possible to have that issue.

Center option works only if you set logo width.
I'm on RC2 and updated Soft Responsive to 3.0.0 beta 3 and I see these outdated templates...

Bugs that were fixed in 1.2 rc 2 in those templates were already fixed in this style in beta 1/2, so there was nothing to update. I did save those templates without changes just to bump version number to remove them from outdated templates list, but seems it didn't work.

Just ignore that list for now. I'll edit those templates again in next version to remove them from outdated list.
Bottom borders: apply that change I posted above to remove image, add border radius to #headerMover:
#headerMover { border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; }
Top borders are very tricky because dark background is covering white background, not other way around. It can be done by adding 2 absolutely positioned boxes to each top corner: one with dark background, one with white background covering it and border radius for corner. Add this to extra.CSS:
#navigation { position: relative; }
#navigation:before, #navigation:after, #navigation nav:before, #navigation nav:after
    display: block;
    content: '';
    position: absolute;
    top: -10px;
    left: -15px;
    width: 5px;
    height: 5px;
    background: #53777A url('@imagePath/xenforo/layout/pattern.png');
#navigation nav:before, #navigation nav:after
    left: auto;
    right: -15px;
    border-top-left-radius: 5px;
    background-color: @pageBackground;
#navigation nav:after
    border-top-right-radius: 5px;
    background-color: @pageBackground;

@media only screen and (max-width: 1060px), only screen and (max-device-width: 1060px)
    #navigation:before, #navigation:after, #navigation nav:before, #navigation nav:after { display: none; }

Hi Arty,

You helped me out about a year ago with the question I just quoted; now I'm trying to do something a little different. How would I go about rounding the area with the green arrow?


You're awesome, thanks :)
Hi Arty,

You helped me out about a year ago with the question I just quoted; now I'm trying to do something a little different. How would I go about rounding the area with the green arrow?

View attachment 52123

You're awesome, thanks :)

Side note, this looks like Class because I'm borrowing elements I like and incorporating it into this theme. I own licenses to both Soft Responsive and Class :)
Did you set black background to #content and white background to #content .pageWidth? If you did, set border-radius to #content .pageWidth
Strange. Just purchased and the sidebar appears underneath my content on full-width. 1.2 Beta 2. No other add-ons installed but this one and the [bd] widget framework.

Any known issue with this on the current beta release?
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