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So when updating the outdated templates, did you just revert them? I can see the sidebar is also a little out of whack and the login bar.
There had to be a difference between Social beta-4 templates and xF Default beta-5 templates. Not sure what the procedure you were using but you need to compare the outdated template with a default (un-edited) template from updated version.

Sorry but your best option is import the newest Social version, renaming it when importing, then updating your it with your template mods/edits.

Would probably best to wait a few more minutes here and let me get Social RC1 version up then go from there.
Style Updated to xenForo RC1

Version - 1.04 (01-27-2011)
  • Updated to xF RC1
  • Fixed sidebar area where the new Facebook & Tweet buttons are.

Thanks everyone :)
Can I remove the footer link if I like, or is this only for donators/buyers? I don't mean to sound like a jerk here, but I chose this style because it was free and without footer links (and this was the selling point of the style when I first downloaded it), and now when I've used it for a while, a footer link has still appeared in the latest version (without any news of it in this thread).

So if it'll cost me to remove it, I must say I'm a bit disappointed. Don't get me wrong though, still one of the best styles out there.
Can I remove the footer link if I like, or is this only for donators/buyers? I don't mean to sound like a jerk here, but I chose this style because it was free and without footer links (and this was the selling point of the style when I first downloaded it), and now when I've used it for a while, a footer link has still appeared in the latest version (without any news of it in this thread).

So if it'll cost me to remove it, I must say I'm a bit disappointed. Don't get me wrong though, still one of the best styles out there.

You are correct the style was released without a footer link and I should have made a point to post that I added a link. With that said, I felt after spending a good amount of time on this style and opening a new site for forum styles I deserved some credit. This helps get a bit of traffic possibly and just maybe a little money. My full time job has been slow of late and having 2 children under 2 years old has put the hurt on the wallet. Not looking for handouts or trying to scam anyone out of a donation, just need to pay bills my friend.
Would it be possible to get a screenshot of the style with labels on for which colours relate to which parts of the layout?

I'm trying to change the light green tabs to a different colour but changing the colour palette doesn't seem to make a difference...
A few things that might be useful, I'll keep this updated as I find them.

These parts of the style are set from the color picker rather than the color palette meaning they don't change when you change the color palette:

Call-to-Action Button
InnerText Control, Focused State (background)
Button, Hover State(background and border)
Node Description(background)
Node Last Post(background)
Likes (background)
Breadcrumb - Item Content
Breadcrumb - Item Arrow - Inner
Hi Rob, With this style I was never really intending for it to be compatible with the Color Palette. Some of the CSS is done via a template even and not in the style properties. I did not use the Color Palette for everything but mostly did the changes per style properties in each element.

If you could explain which colors you would like changed to what color, I can see about getting a version of the style done for you.
Hi Qwk86gn, thanks for the offer but I think it'd be useful for me to learn more about how the style system works. My intention was to play around with the design and adapt it to our own needs (of course leaving in all the links to you) so we could end up changing quite a bit.
For some weird reason I thought I already had updated this thread with the rc2 release.

Anyhow, the style is updated to xF-RC2

Is there an easy way to make the style centred when it's fixed width?

margin auto seems to work but not sure if that's the right way to do it.
Using Jaxel's latest version of his portal add-on, all the centre blocks are squashed over to the left with a lot of whitespace in the middle.
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