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Social Network Authentication (Twitter, Google, 1.0

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UPDATE : adding the index.php part id the trick. my Redirect URL is now & it's working!!

I am using XenPorta as well and was experiencing the same issue, I then added "index.php?" before register on each line and it started working. I suggest updating the install instructions. Thanks Mutt for the find. :)
Saw this error message in my Server Log with the Twitter Login/Register:

Error Info​
Zend_Oauth_Exception: Could not retrieve a valid Token response from Token URL: Failed to validate oauth signature and token - library/Zend/Oauth/Http.php:234
Generated By: Unknown Account, Today at 10:26 PM
Stack Trace​
#0 /webcorp1/www/corpusers/f/i/ Zend_Oauth_Http->_assessRequestAttempt(Object(Zend_Http_Response))
#1 /webcorp1/www/corpusers/f/i/ Zend_Oauth_Http->startRequestCycle(Array)
#2 /webcorp1/www/corpusers/f/i/ Zend_Oauth_Http->startRequestCycle(Array)
#3 /webcorp1/www/corpusers/f/i/ Zend_Oauth_Http->startRequestCycle(Array)
#4 /webcorp1/www/corpusers/f/i/ Zend_Oauth_Http_RequestToken->execute()
#5 /webcorp1/www/corpusers/f/i/ Zend_Oauth_Consumer->getRequestToken()
#6 /webcorp1/www/corpusers/f/i/ Social_Provider_Oauth_Abstract->getAuthorizeUrl('https://www.fix...')
#7 /webcorp1/www/corpusers/f/i/ Social_ControllerPublic_Register->_getProviderResponse(Object(Social_Provider_Oauth_Twitter))
#8 /webcorp1/www/corpusers/f/i/ Social_ControllerPublic_Register->actionTwitter()
#9 /webcorp1/www/corpusers/f/i/ XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#10 /webcorp1/www/corpusers/f/i/ XenForo_FrontController->run()
#11 {main}
Request State​
array(3) {
["url"] => string(58) ""
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["reg"] => string(1) "1"
["_POST"] => array(0) {
So is this working? I see a lot of errors in this thread and I'm hesitant. However if it works it's a really great idea and I'd love to use it.

I would like to have the option where people can sign in using their LinkedIn account, is that right?
It will be nice and helpful if you can share it with all of us :)
I'm more than happy to allow guiltar to release my changes as part of his next update.

Usually I would release as a separate add-on, but already this add-on requires two separate add-ons to be installed and I have also developed a separate add-on to automatically post your statuses to your Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn based on this add-on, so I think asking people to install four add-on's is a bit much.
I'm more than happy to allow guiltar to release my changes as part of his next update.
I have also developed a separate add-on to automatically post your statuses to your Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn

Where is my "drool" smilie. This going to be something you release? :whistle:
For us the add-on was working OK if you didn't have the Facebook/Twitter cookie already, but if you did, the add-on would do a redirect loop of some sort and show a browser error. If you went back to the site, the login was successful but nobody wants to get shown browser errors.

A workaround was to comment line 64 --> if( !$redirect )

in this file: community/library/Social/ControllerPublic7Register.php

Is anyone else experiencing this behavior?
For us the add-on was working OK if you didn't have the Facebook/Twitter cookie already, but if you did, the add-on would do a redirect loop of some sort and show a browser error. If you went back to the site, the login was successful but nobody wants to get shown browser errors.

A workaround was to comment line 64 --> if( !$redirect )

in this file: community/library/Social/ControllerPublic7Register.php

Is anyone else experiencing this behavior?
What actions I have to do to reproduce the problem? I tried to come back to site without Twitter confirmation and it worked.
I tested it with Twitter and it didn't work :(
It seems that files are missing.
Ok - what to with the users without password in an even that this add-on is uninstalled? Is there a work-around?
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