Social Groups for XenForo 1.x [Deleted]

Thanks Snog, do you have plans to add likes to the group discussions? My members are loving the Social groups, but the lack of likes has been mentioned a dozen times today. I thought that addon might help but as your groups dont use the conversation feature it won't.
Likes are on the wish list for the add-on. But like everything else, there is a priority based on available time to add them. So I can't guarantee when they will be added.
Likes are on the wish list for the add-on.

Thanks snog that's good to know. Facebook has got everyone hooked on likes. The discussions in your social groups are superb, and they do take the weight off the forums so they can stay on topic. If the discussions had likes built in they would be perfect. :) The Likes don't need to add to a users likes tally or link up to xenforos likes, they can be separate and uncounted, as long as people can 'like' they are happy. (y) I hope you consider adding likes soon. Thanks again,
Thanks snog that's good to know. Facebook has got everyone hooked on likes. The discussions in your social groups are superb, and they do take the weight off the forums so they can stay on topic. If the discussions had likes built in they would be perfect. :) The Likes don't need to add to a users likes tally or link up to xenforos likes, they can be separate and uncounted, as long as people can 'like' they are happy. (y) I hope you consider adding likes soon. Thanks again,
Just an FYI...

The next release will have a fully functional like system for discussions. I'm going to try to push it out next week if I can.
Hi @Snog would it be possible to remove this facility from some group owners? I do not want them to build up little private cliques.
That would be an all or none situation. If you remove it, nobody will be able to use it.

Edit the 'snog_socialgroups_edit' template and remove this code..
<dl class="ctrlUnit">
      <label for="ctrl_approval"><input type="checkbox" name="approval" value="1" id="ctrl_approval" class="Disabler" {xen:if {$group.approval},'checked="checked"',''} /> {xen:phrase snog_socialgroups_approval}</label>
      <div class="explain"><h3 class="statusHeader">{xen:phrase snog_socialgroups_approval_explain}</div>
Snog updated Social Groups with a new update entry:

Social Groups Update 1.1.5

An update to the Social Groups system has been released. Those that have purchased this add-on, please log into your account on my site to download this update.
  • Add - Likes system to group discussions
  • Add - Option to post group creation notice in a forum
  • Add - User group permission for making new group require approval
  • Fix - Various errors after a group and/or group forum is deleted
  • Fix - 'NULL' appearing in groups that do not use forums
  • Fix - Error when adding new...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Thanks Snog. The likes will be much appreciated.:D Is it a stand-alone likes system or incorporated into the xf Likes?
Thanks Snog. The likes will be much appreciated.:D Is it a stand-alone likes system or incorporated into the xf Likes?
It uses calls to the XF likes system so they do get counted in a user's like total. But another add-on will most likely not interface with it.
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It uses calls to the XF likes system so they do get counted in a user's like total. But another add-on will most likely not interface with it.

Just tested and its working seamlessly with members getting notifications as normal. Excellent work. Thanks (y)
Been looking at this nice piece of kit and becoming very impressed. Currently we're running a different Social Groups add-on and looking to offer more control and options to our members.

One question I have is it possible to have two social group sections running at the same forum?

Social Group 1
1 - forum threads
2 - discussions
3 - stuff and thinnngs
Normal Xenforo category

Social Group 2
1 - discussions
2 - other stuff and things​
Been looking at this nice piece of kit and becoming very impressed. Currently we're running a different Social Groups add-on and looking to offer more control and options to our members.

One question I have is it possible to have two social group sections running at the same forum?

Social Group 1
1 - forum threads
2 - discussions
3 - stuff and thinnngs​

Normal Xenforo category

Social Group 2
1 - discussions
2 - other stuff and things​
I'm not really clear on what you're saying. The way the Social Groups work is this..

Social Group Category (which is an XF category)
Social Group 1
Social Group 1 Forum​
Social Group 2
Social Group 2 Forum​

Although I've never tried it, if you were to create a category inside a social group forum, the category would only be available for that social group.

If you just mean separate social group categories(which are XF categories) then yes that can be done.

Social Group Category 1 (which is an XF category)
Social Group 1
Social Group 1 Forum​
Social Group 2
Social Group 2 Forum​

Normal XenForo Category

Social Group Category 2 (which is an XF category)
Social Group 3
Social Group 3 Forum​
Social Group 4
Social Group 4 Forum​
Okay, yes. How you laid it out is what I was trying to get across :)

That actually fits into some of the ideas we've been looking into for our forum to replace what we currently have.
Interesting add-on, but is there a way to "advertise" the groups and their content anywhere on the site except the groups navigation tab? Sounds to me that groups are somehow hidden, fine for privates ones, but how about open groups?
Also, does a group discussion count as a conversation? I have an addon that limits the amount of conversations users can have, would it be compatible with this?
Interesting add-on, but is there a way to "advertise" the groups and their content anywhere on the site except the groups navigation tab? Sounds to me that groups are somehow hidden, fine for privates ones, but how about open groups?
Also, does a group discussion count as a conversation? I have an addon that limits the amount of conversations users can have, would it be compatible with this?
The Navigation tab is there to access them by default, but you could put the groups in a link, use them as your main page, it's all up to you. You would just need to use the link used for the navigation tab. Also, if the groups have a forum they are listed in the forum list.

Group discussions do not count as a conversation.
I'm thinking of buying this but i have a few questions:
  1. Can social group forums be selected in "[bd] Widget Framework" widgets? I want to make a portal page and have social group threads show up on the page.
  2. Can social groups create more than 1 forum and not require users to join group for the other forums?
  3. Addons that add custom fields to threads (eg. Waindigo custom fields), are they compatible with this addon?
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I'm thinking of buying this but i have a few questions:
  1. Can social group forums be selected in "[bd] Widget Framework" widgets? I want to make a portal page and have social group threads show up on the page.
  2. Can social groups create more than 1 forum and not require users to join group for the other forums?
  3. Addons that add custom fields to threads (eg. Waindigo custom fields), are they compatible with this addon?
1) I believe you would need to create a custom widget with links to the social group forums.

2) Yes. The forums they create would be sub-forums of their main group forum.

3) There shouldn't be any problems with other add-ons and the threads in a group forum.
Oh :S So displaying the content of the thread in-line in a widget (full text of first post, not a recent threads type widget) is not possible?
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