So.... what is the word on the new signature restrictions/rules?

this means that this admin action targets ALL users, not only abusers.
you can not punish all and delete their sigs just because 5% abuse this function.

Really? Watch me. If users can't restrain themselves and continually abuse a function on the site, I'm not going to restrict it to just those users. I'm removing it as I'm tired of dealing with the issue.

I already do this with editing permissions. It used to be 24 hours. Then someone abused it. I lowered it to 12. They still abused it. Users now have 5 minutes to make their changes before the post is locked for editing purposes.

Welcome to life, where contrary to what your teachers may have told you, things aren't fair and everyone isn't a special little snowflake.
@Azhria Lilu
...they should not...
it would be appreciated if they don't ....

They are choosing to delete all signatures (easiest way to target abusers) so that they can easily enforce the new rules, since they won't take affect until someone tries to change them. They gave out warnings, so if someone chose not to save it, it can't be on them. Its not like they are randomly doing it. (y)
@King Kovifor
I understand the reasons and I know it is easiest way.
but I would like to point out that not all people logs in every day and not all see announcements.
but I would like to point out that not all people logs in every day and not all see announcements.

You snooze, you lose! :LOL:

Only kidding - it's a minor thing really, sigs won't take a long time to put back in; and presumably the carte blanche approach allows the new XF 1.2 signature management feature to be deployed so that mods don't have to man-handle any abusers and the devs can see how it works outside of the sandbox. (y)

It will likely benefit us all if there are holes that get plugged as a result. (y)
@King Kovifor
I understand the reasons and I know it is easiest way.
but I would like to point out that not all people logs in every day and not all see announcements.

Signatures only really benefit those who constantly post here, since they'll be shown more frequently. Those users will have seen it, and those who aren't visiting, its tough luck.

The curtesy of giving a 48 hour grace period was fantastic, but its been mentioned for at least the last week that new rules were coming and that old ones would be gone.
I'm taking a copy of yours so I can steal it later.

(Was that out loud?)

Now there's an idea.. once they've all been wiped, maybe we should host a signature swap and wear each others for a few days.... bit like a clothes swap or wife swap but without the dodgy side effects.:whistle:
What could possibly be in a signature that is desperately important to keep? Or have a copy?

I do not know :) bcs I never use sigs, as I find them distracting.
I just thought from user perspective, which I am most of the time, that deleting it will hurt the fragile feelings of those lovely little snowflakes out there
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