So Google Adsense Just Disabled My Domain... No What?


Well-known member
So google adsense just disabled my domain... and reversed the income I've made over the past week. There was no notification of this, no email, and nothing in the "messages" center of my adsense control panel. Because there is no "issue", there is no "issue ID" and I can not send in an appeal.

What do I do now? My website simply can't exist without the income that comes from Adsense. I've tried other advertisers such as AdBrite, but they don't pay enough.
Same happened here. Tried to appeal, an automated response came through 5 mins later and said they reviewed it, and can't open up the account again.
Same here - after sending them constant emails they finally replied to me 3 months later. They claimed that I had fraudulently clicked the ads to gain money and that the IP address was British. So when sending the form to complain they state that they have recorded my IP address, so I asked them to compare the two addresses and they said it doesn't make a difference - I LIVE IN JAPAN! It's not like I pop over to the UK for a cuppa tea, click some ads and come straight back to Japan in a few hours. Basically it was a rival website pulling a prank and I lost quite a bit of money on it too.

Never got any ads from Google again, and I hear this happening to so many people now I just don't think it's worth doing. I've been on Amazon ads for a while and it works well but even they are now restricting some big item from getting points. A guy on my site bought a brand new Canon 5D MkIII using my links and they just never registered it. So basically I just get stuff based on books, CDs etc - you know the stuff where they don't have to pay you much!

If anyone knows a good adsense alternative I'm all ears but last time I tried a few all I got were stupid blank spaces or adverts for bloody handbags
Happened to me 2 times, got banned because of Clicks Fraud, the second time I didn't even start using and showing the ads. So just you know I applied for the second time with my real and same name as the first time, and got accepted, but after 1 year or so.
If your community is somehow BIG and has traffic from US, you could apply for some private ad networks.
And why not sell some ad spots to potential advertisers or even promote some products related to games.
Click fraud is very real, but unfortunately any system which can catch those also may give some false positives. It might even be that some of your users thought they would do you a favor and it looked suspicious.

I'd be done for if adsense cut me off.

Personally, I would contact Google - but also perhaps implement another system. Bing/Yahoo together (same search engine) reportedly have 28% of search. Maybe give it a try!
I make way more on Amazon Associates than from Adsense. Another way to get a new adsense account is to create a blogger blog and choose the monetize option. It will automatically create a new approved account for you, though you should register with a different address and bank info.

I've tried adbrite as well and it has a low pay rate and gave my users virus alerts on their antivirus software.
Click fraud is very real, but unfortunately any system which can catch those also may give some false positives. It might even be that some of your users thought they would do you a favor and it looked suspicious.

I'd be done for if adsense cut me off.

Personally, I would contact Google - but also perhaps implement another system. Bing/Yahoo together (same search engine) reportedly have 28% of search. Maybe give it a try!
Oh hell yeah dude. I'll switch to them in an instant. After I get off work I am. I hate Google Adsense with a passion. It even slows down my site and I've read about them having malware issues lately.
You're done, unless you get a new domain and don't get caught by Google again (they'll find you). It's a horrible thing - same thing happened to me earlier this year. I now make no where near what I made with other ad networks.
happened to me, too.
after testing other advertiser i have stopped this kind of moneymaking.
they always slowed down my side and the look is terrible.
so i went to premium memberships and the user liked it so much to have a fast forum and no ads.
after all, im getting a little more money than before from google. :)
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