Fixed Smilies not appearing in editor


Well-known member
I've got a bunch of old smilies we used in XF1.5, that were brought over to XF2.1. They appear fine in the admin panel and should be visible in the WYSIWYG editor, but they don't appear. Using the smilie bbcode manually in the editor works.

Here are the settings:


It doesn't appear under recent, smilies or the extended category (yes, I have scrolled down ;)):


I've resaved some the smilie entries and changed categories, but they still don't appear in the editor.
The short answer is I'm unsure why it's not working. I'm fairly suspicious of the approach used to take them over, which sounds like you've done so by copying database records across. That's definitely not advisable especially if the smilies are using sprites because the sprite data is in a totally different format. My first thought was the smilie caches and category IDs, but you seem to have discounted that already.

I am able to bring over any smilie manually. You might want to consider doing that anyway.

XF 2.1 includes the old smilies in a - let's call them "HD" - format spritesheet:
The only thing that would need to change for any existing smilies (if you wanted them all to be the old style) is the image URL. Otherwise, I'd just add them manually.
It was an XF1.5 installation upgraded to the XF2.1 beta, so perhaps "imported" was the word I should have used. They appear on the smilies help page and admin panel, just not in the editor. I'll do a local test upgrade with the old DB and see if I can make it reproducable.
I've just checked another forum we upgrade from XF1.5 > XF2.1, and smilies are also missing from the WYSIWYG editor there too. They appear fine in admin panel & help page, but don't appear in the editor.
I tried exporting 2 problematic test smilies, one from a spritesheet and one normal, then importing to another XF2.1 install. They show up in the editor either, but again show in admin/help. Here's the XML file and 2 images:


On both my test install and live install, the default "confused" smilie is even missing. I'm very puzzled as to what is happening - has anyone else that upgraded to 2.1 got the same problem? I don't have emoji support enabled.
I've done a fresh test install of XF2.1RC1 on Apache (normally I use IIS) and I disabled emojis.

There are 24 smilies showing up in the WYSIWYG editor, but 31 in the admin panel that should all be showing in the editor.
Yep, it's checked for them all (see attachment in 1st post). If you try a fresh XF2.1RC1 install (with emojis disabled), you may be able to replicate it - I tried just now using XAMPP on Windows 10 and could get the same thing to happen.
I can confirm the same problem in RC1. There are 12 default smilies in the admin, but only 10 show...


Cool and Confused are missing
I think we have a fix incoming for this. The issue is that certain smilie shortcodes are overlapping with emoji shortcodes and the emoji ones are missing. In addition, we might not have been taking into consideration here whether you have the shortcodeToEmoji option switched off.
My bad it's the second option that we're not taking into account here.

But even if that were enabled, all you'd find is that in the list you would have the 👍 emoji but still not the (y) smilie.
Thank you for reporting this issue. It has now been resolved and we are aiming to include it in a future XF release (2.1.0 RC2).

Change log:
Do not filter smilies from the editor even if they overlap with an emoji.
Any changes made as a result of this issue being resolved may not be rolled out here until later.
I'm not sure if what I'm experiencing is related to this or not but I just updated to XF 2.1.1 from 2.0 and nothing shows up when clicking on the smilie menu. The standard smilies appear in the ACP under content-smilies but none of the new ones that XF 2.1 brings. I have convert short code to emoji/smilies enabled as well as show emoji in smilie menu. If I type the short code I can get them to show up. I also upgraded a few of my other sites from 2.0 to 2.1 and only half of them show the emojis that came with 2.1 for some reason.
If at any time your forum has ran 1.5 then I can confirm that you need to convert the databases to support the emoji's. Ours wasn't showing up until after the conversion was done.
That must be it, this one ran 1.5 during a conversion from another forum software. Would that break the smilies when upgrading to 2.1 though as they aren't working unless you use the short code when they used to show up in the editor.
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