XF 1.4 Smiles Import from a directory on your server

New Joe

Well-known member
I want to import smiles from a folder on my server called:
So i go to Smiles in the admin cp, and go to this part:
Import from a directory on your server
As I am doing this on my test site folder i use this path:
Screen Shot 2557-10-10 at 2.14.34 PM.webp
But each time it throws an error:

The specified directory was not found or unreadable.

Screen Shot 2557-10-10 at 2.11.53 PM.webp

The Directory is writable so that's not the problem, so I am lost with what to do.
Is the directory path correct? It should be relative to where you have installed XenForo. So if your site is installed in the root (or even a directory) and you have the smiles folder in the same location, the path would be


I note that you have put "smiles" not "smilies". That's fine as long as that's your folder name and you haven't mistyped it.
I have the exact same problem. Xenforo 1.5.21.

I changed the permissions already from 644 to 755 and even to 777. No matter what I do and where i put the folder with the new smilies in, always the same error. What could be the reason for this?

Is there another was to add only a few smilies without beeing forced to rename all old ones too?

problem solved. I made the mistake that I had a slash at the beginning of the path.


instead of

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