Omar Bazavilvazo
My php.ini timezone is:
date.timezone = America/Mexico_City
I already checked timezone is correct on php.ini and the visitor's timezone is also set to Mexico (UTC-6)
In my old forum, for example I have this user with timezone difference = 15 (japan);u=2
However, after imported, this user has a timezone equal to (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Any idea if this has been already fixed? (Or maybe I did something wrong)
My php.ini timezone is:
date.timezone = America/Mexico_City
I already checked timezone is correct on php.ini and the visitor's timezone is also set to Mexico (UTC-6)
In my old forum, for example I have this user with timezone difference = 15 (japan);u=2
However, after imported, this user has a timezone equal to (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Any idea if this has been already fixed? (Or maybe I did something wrong)