Fixed Skype contact field doesn't accept windows live email

Luke F

Well-known member
With the transfer of msn to skype, quite a few people will be using their msn/live/hotmail/outlook/etc email as a skype identifier, so the field should probably accept valid email addresses.

(not actually sure if you get to choose a skype name from the process as I merged to an existing skype account, but regardless it stands to reason that some will want to use their email as their skype name (I do))
Considering they're merged, may as well just get rid of the Live field altogether (unless you're running a chinese board, where Live will remain).

As to your question regarding Skype accounts, I believe you can be identified by both. When I click my name on Skype, it says I have 2 accounts: my e-mail and my Skype.
Edit the skype profile field in admin and change the regex to this


That is what I'm using and it seems to work.
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