XF 1.1 Site not displaying properly


The last 2 days the forum isn't displaying right, the banner and sidebar are underneath the list, if at all, so is the inbox and all the account stuff. I was clicking around and every other time it would be screwed up. Now it's not right at all. Tried clearing cache, switching browsers, a friend verified that it also looked weird to her. I'll add some screen shots...




And, what it's supposed to look like.
Sorry to bring this thread up but I had exactly the same issue with my Xenforo forum hosted on iPage.

When hitting the refresh button, the forum loaded partially.

I had to argued with them so many times. They never found a solution and always told me that the site was loading fine at their end.

However, what I've found is that my forum was loading 100% fine when not using the www. So I modified my .htaccess file to redirect all "www" to non www It solved my problem.

Now I've ton of others problems and I'll transfer my forum somewhere else this weekend.

iPage likes to filled their shared servers with 1000 web site. Check this link to see with who you are sharing the server... You'll be surprise :)

Sorry to bring this thread up but I had exactly the same issue with my Xenforo forum hosted on iPage.

When hitting the refresh button, the forum loaded partially.

I had to argued with them so many times. They never found a solution and always told me that the site was loading fine at their end.

However, what I've found is that my forum was loading 100% fine when not using the www. So I modified my .htaccess file to redirect all "www" to non www It solved my problem.

Now I've ton of others problems and I'll transfer my forum somewhere else this weekend.

iPage likes to filled their shared servers with 1000 web site. Check this link to see with who you are sharing the server... You'll be surprise :)

This is already fixed on xf 1.2.0
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