XF 2.2 Since Self-Placement Broke...


Well-known member
Since self-placement broke (suggested here) in 2.2, I've been trying out how to figure out how to hide a top thread status block for custom thread fields.


The method I was using in the above suggestion (please vote for it if you want to include hidden text in threads, such as og:title) does not work anymore.

The workaround I did for this was changing it to "Thread status block" (as the modifications didn't merge with the new code) with this CSS (still "visible" on the page and may be hit for hiding 'stuffed' keywords):
    .block-outer.js-threadStatusField {
        display: none;

If you played around with 2.2 longer than I have and have a better template modification to completely remove a before message/thead status block from rendering on the page, please let me know! :)

I will gladly post an update here if I am able to find out how to do it myself, as I have in the suggestion above (for 2.1).

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