Simple Forms [Paid] [Deleted]

Just one more question.

Is it possible to autofill thread title for example with selected fields?

Example: when user fill out date field and some text field it automatically create thread title with this two contents.
Yup, you can include form field values in areas like "Title" and the new thread/post contents. A "Field Helper" popup will show up to help you fill those in.
1. Is it possible to have a date field with a pop-up calendar to choose date?

2. How can I make field value in the same line as the field title. Now the value is under title...

3. Can I make thread sticky until the date user choose in the possible date field?
Last edited:
1. Is it possible to have a date field with a pop-up calendar to choose date?

2. How can I make field value in the same line as the field title. Now the value is under title...

3. Can I make thread sticky until the date user choose in the possible date field?
1. There is no specific date field at this time.
2. Simply edit the Template section of the destination and use the field helper to design the output however you like.
3. There is no connection between the sticky option and a field. It's simply a checkbox. That would have to be custom developed for you and your purposes as it is out of scope.
Ok, thank you for your answers.

Btw, your add-on make my board even more useful. Thank you very much for that!
No problem, if you have specific feature requests in scope we will definitely consider it. I am happy it has worked well for you :). We will try to add a date field in the future.
2. Simply edit the Template section of the destination and use the field helper to design the output however you like.
But how can I make something like this:

<strong>{$fields.test.title}:</strong> {$fields.test.value}

To show like:

{$fields.test.title}: {$fields.test.value}
But how can I make something like this:

<strong>{$fields.test.title}:</strong> {$fields.test.value}

To show like:

{$fields.test.title}: {$fields.test.value}
That should do it right there. Just put that into the template section. You can also try using BBCode for new threads and posts.

If I fill out thread template (in forum destination) and check Hide empty fields, fields that user don't respond still shows in the thread. How can I fix this?

If I fill out thread template (in forum destination) and check Hide empty fields, fields that user don't respond still shows in the thread. How can I fix this?
Please open a ticket in the client area and supply an XML export of your form please.
Two things:

  1. Is there any update on apostrophes not appearing? Every contraction is turning into a mess on my site.
  2. Feature Request: For questions that choose between multiple choices (dropdown, radio, check, etc) would it be possible for a destination thread to be chosen based off their input?
    • For example, let's say my form asks "Are you applying for server staff or forum staff?" and if they answer "Server" it gets sent to the Head of Server Admins/Their discussion area and if they say "Forums" it gets sent to the Head of Forum Administration and their discussion area.
Two things:

  1. Is there any update on apostrophes not appearing? Every contraction is turning into a mess on my site.
  2. Feature Request: For questions that choose between multiple choices (dropdown, radio, check, etc) would it be possible for a destination thread to be chosen based off their input?
    • For example, let's say my form asks "Are you applying for server staff or forum staff?" and if they answer "Server" it gets sent to the Head of Server Admins/Their discussion area and if they say "Forums" it gets sent to the Head of Forum Administration and their discussion area.
I'll let Andrew talk to your first question since he is the developer. The second question is not possible. The form fields have no relationship to the destinations. Perhaps in the future, but at the moment, there is not.
What's this error about breh

ErrorException: Undefined index: status - library/LiquidPro/SimpleForms/Option/LicenseKey.php:226 Generated By: Dre Sage, Today at 11:36 AM Stack Trace #0 /home/blah/public_html/library/LiquidPro/SimpleForms/Option/LicenseKey.php(226): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...', '/home/blah/publi...', 226, Array) #1 /home/blah/public_html/library/LiquidPro/SimpleForms/Option/LicenseKey.php(42): LiquidPro_SimpleForms_Option_LicenseKey::_checkLicense('LP-bb91c51ae8', '==Qf7ISOykDMzED...') #2 /home/blah/public_html/library/LiquidPro/SimpleForms/EventListener.php(148): LiquidPro_SimpleForms_Option_LicenseKey::VerifyLicense('LP-bb91c51ae8') #3 [internal function]: LiquidPro_SimpleForms_EventListener::ControllerPreDispatch(Object(LiquidPro_SimpleForms_ControllerAdmin_Field), 'Add', 'LiquidPro_Simpl...') #4 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/CodeEvent.php(58): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #5 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/Controller.php(311): XenForo_CodeEvent::fire('controller_pre_...', Array, 'LiquidPro_Simpl...') #6 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(336): XenForo_Controller->preDispatch('Add', 'LiquidPro_Simpl...') #7 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch)) #8 /home/blah/public_html/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run() #9 {main} Request State array(3) { ["url"] => string(48) "" ["_GET"] => array(2) { ["fields/add"] => string(0) "" ["form_id"] => string(1) "1" } ["_POST"] => array(0) { } }
Please submit a support ticket.

Be sure to include details about how you received this error.
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