Similar Threads

Similar Threads 5.3

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Hi, I have this installed on my forum, but the users main complaint is that it displays really old threads which are outdated, and use of the addon means really old threads get reopened often by new users. Is there anyway to amend the ad don't so you can display similar threads created in the last x number of days? I.e. Only show similar threads created in the last 60 days?
I had to disable the plugin after updating. It breaks showthread.
Same here.
Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column 'xf.thread.post_date' in 'where clause' - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:77
Hi @AndyB i got an error with version 4.5 , what should i do?
Fatal error: Class 'XenES_Api' not found in /home/www/xxxxx/html/library/Andy/SimilarThreads/ControllerPublic/Thread.php on line 140

EDIT: Thanks for the quick response @AndyB .. for the other, if you enable enhanced search in this addon be sure it is also installed .. ;)
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I have Chris D's banned avatar add-on. See the screenshot. That's a banned member avatar not showing. Any ideas why?

EDIT: Updated to version 4.2 of this add on and now have a server error.

ErrorException: Missing argument 5 for Andy_SimilarThreads_Model::getThreads()library/Andy/SimilarThreads/Model.php:61 line 363

Same error here on 1.5 with Chris's banned user mod. Any fix?
Hi, I have this installed on my forum, but the users main complaint is that it displays really old threads which are outdated, and use of the addon means really old threads get reopened often by new users. Is there anyway to amend the ad don't so you can display similar threads created in the last x number of days? I.e. Only show similar threads created in the last 60 days?

I've never understood this worry about dredging up old threads. Isn't the whole point of such an add-in (and a forum in general) to expose interesting conversations, regardless of age?
I've never understood this worry about dredging up old threads. Isn't the whole point of such an add-in (and a forum in general) to expose interesting conversations, regardless of age?

I'm sure we've all responded to a thread only to have some dweeb say, "hey, man, don't you see that this thread is three years old!"

Who cares? If it's a topic worth responding to, then age doesn't matter!

When admins say stuff like this, they're their own worst enemies.
It seems the AddOn doesn't work with enhanced search activated if elastic search 2.0 is installed.
hi there i want to ask a question

can we see the description on similar threat like this


i think we must change some codes in andy_similarthreads_below_quick_reply

i try alot of code for thread description but i cant find

<tr class="dataRow">
{xen:helper threadPrefix, $similarThread}
<a href="{xen:link threads/, $similarThread}"
class="{xen:if $similarThread.hasPreview, PreviewTooltip}"
data-previewUrl="{xen:if $similarThread.hasPreview, {xen:link threads/preview, $similarThread}}">{xen:helper wrap, $similarThread.title, 50}</a>
<td>{xen:datetime $similarThread.post_date}</td>
Hi Andy, would it be possible to add a thread title cut off length (or something) to this?

The problem, when viewing threads normally it's responsive and looks fine. But when you have to edit a thread from your mobile device the thread title column seems to not be responsive any longer and causes the Similar Threads at bottom of threads, to blow outside its box if any of the words in a title is a long word without spaces.
Enhanced Search Mode doesn't work
I made first install on my forum on xf 1.4.2. standard mode works. but when i check enhanced search in ACP, it doesn't work - i can't see any similar threads modifications anymore. tested on default style.

elasticsearch 2.1 and addon enhanced search was installed this week by paid service of @MattW, so it should be done right and in xf search ES is working fine.

Can you please help me to get it work with Enhanced Search Mode?
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