XF 1.4 Sign up Error


Active member
When people want to register and fill out the whole form, correctly, it still gives an error.

Please correct the following errors:
  1. Some fields contained unexpected data. Please try again or contact the administrator.
  2. Please enter a name that is at least 3 characters long.
  3. Please enter a valid email.
  4. Please select a valid time zone.
  5. Please enter a valid password.
Ok i'll try.. seems like the other admin have do something wrong with the update ç_ç

So now we've a Mysqli problem >.> i'll reinstall everything from 0 thanks for your help guys;)
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Yeah, it's a shame Infuscu doesn't fix it. I made him aware of the problem the day after the release of 1.4, and he haven't been active since the 9th September now.
I'm confronting with the error below, at sign up with Andriod:

Some fields contained unexpected data. Please try again or contact the administrator.

This only wappens on Android sign ups, i have just sign up with IOS and worked like a charm.
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