Show us your XF

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Two days ago I converted my VB4 to Xenforo. I know I shouldn't have done that during beta stage but it was difficult to resist.

This is what it looks like:

It is the most popular sound engineering community website in Poland :) Running Xenforo!

Looks 10x better then sticking to VB4 . I can't stand infront of VB4 don't know why never liked it since it was out .

Got my domains registered today hopefully from tomorrow i can start working on my site :)
Got the sidebar on the wordpress side to show a top five active users, and some stats about them. Still playing with what I want to show, and haven't styled it yet, but it's there. Checks for an avatar, if none, then a gravitar, if none then uses the default. Currently showing name, title, trophy points, and likes - with a link to their profile on the forums.

Posts made on wordpress auto-post into the forums - either as one of our two feed bots, or as either of us (WoW's and blogs) - depending on what's put in the except field and who the author is at the time. It's not perfect yet (as in, using excerpt field messes with the RSS apparently) but it works.

The wordpress posts on the main page link to the corresponding thread and show the reply count on the thread as the comment count on wordpress.

Now that we've moved to Beta 3 styling is a lot easier, so I should be able to mesh the two sites together a bit better soon.

Very happy with Xenforo!
And finally underway, we decided to jettison our db from the IPB site and turn that site into a general movie place :) Just announced over there so fingers crossed ten or so of the regulars make their way to the new site.

MangoJacks - general discussion site simply running Xen and nothing else. Have gone with the standard Xenique skin as it might be a while before we get our custom job finished :)
Working on my first commercial site that is to be run using XenForo. The front end is Wordpress but the workhorse, no pun intended, is XenForo.

Style still in development based off the owner's initial ideas.


Once this is live, I will be able to get my second license of XF. ;)
Changes have been made. :)

News about my own site, Xbox Zone: I've decided to wait until the beta is over before going live. I had originally wanted to start it up this weekend when Black Ops came out, but I've decided to wait. I don't want to risk losing the database again. :P
Changes have been made. :)

News about my own site, Xbox Zone: I've decided to wait until the beta is over before going live. I had originally wanted to start it up this weekend when Black Ops came out, but I've decided to wait. I don't want to risk losing the database again. :p
That kind of risk is hard to bite. I've done the same exact thing with both mw2forums and mw2boards...The rewards aren't coming in for quite a while. Right now is the best time to launch a xbox site. Kinect is out, Black Ops is out, and all the other big games are coming out between now and next spring. Next spring isn't the best time to delay, you will bite that risk harder than you are now, so make a decision by then.
Thanks Steven. The footer is still needing finishing and we have a few other ideas to make it look even better.:)

Two days ago I converted my dead vBulletin3 site over to XenForo,

the team at have been doing quite a few converts too as part of the services there, everyone seems very happy with XenForo.
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