Not planned Share This Page


In XenForo 1.1 now has a "Share This Page" - a great pity that it is based on another service "addthis" ..

In future versions, please add this feature entirely his own, with the ability to add various services, etc.
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What, you mean like the Tweet, G+1 and Facebook Recommend buttons?

Those are external services.
It is interesting to know that if permalink of first post of the thread is clicked, it shares thread URL. While any other comment permalink shares post URL using # section marker. Clever! :-)
What, you mean like the Tweet, G+1 and Facebook Recommend buttons?

Those are external services.
First, these services are not required, ie authorization / registration through facebook, can be replaced with a standard registration, etc..

Second, this service has the disadvantage that the data is loaded, depending on the country, which comes to the user (services / language user interface window), and if the owner form is required to do something specific .. That is why I say that it is more convenient it would be that this was done in the same vB by adding services from the admin panel, without depending on third-party services..
Is there a way to have the p rint page option disabled as standard? the reason I ask is it prints the page as is when you click it (including the popup) kind of pointless really!
I guess

@media print {
  .xenOverlay {Display:none; }

could be added to the extra.css file but then this disables ALL overlays from being printable :(
Is there a way to have the p rint page option disabled as standard? the reason I ask is it prints the page as is when you click it (including the popup) kind of pointless really!

What wold be really nice though, to have it linked to a view of the same page with print friendly style sheet. Not to mention that URI's of linked texts should be written in brackets against them in the printer friendly page. :-)

I know, it's a again a german source =>

The last part is important

[2. Update: Mittlerweile äußerte sich erneut Tina Kulow von Facebook Deutschland. In einem Tweet schrieb sie: "Um es klar zu stellen: 2-klick-Button ist nicht ideal - aber kein Problem. Nur ein Like-Button der grafisch so tut als ob er einer ist, ist nicht ok. Das ist alles." Nachdem heise online dem Button für den ersten Click, der die Like-Funktion aktiviert, ein verändertes Design gegeben hat, sollte demnach der weiteren Nutzung des 2-Click-Buttons durch heise online und andere Websites auch von Seiten Facebooks nichts mehr im Wege stehen.]

google translation:
[2 Update: Meanwhile, Tina Kulow commented again on Facebook Germany. In a tweet, she wrote: "To put it clearly:. 2-click button is not ideal - but no problem just a button Like so does the graph as if he is one, is not ok That's all.." After heise online the button for the first click, which activates the Like function, design changes have been, therefore, should continue to use the two-click buttons by heise online and other websites also from Facebook's nothing standing in the way. ]

They had to change the 1. image (the one before the onclick event) to be a own
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