XF 1.4 Share Discouraged IP list between 2 forums


Well-known member
I have 2 separate XenForo forums and would like to import Discouraged IP list entries from one forum into the other. Is there an easy way to do that?

I would also like to do the same with banned email domains.
Yeah I was trying to avoid that. It would be great if we could copy and paste banned/discouraged email addresses and IPs in bulk instead of having to enter them individually.

That way Xenforo admins could share those lists among each other too. Think StopForumSpam, but with far less false positives, because you would only exchange those lists with admins that you trust personally.
Since this probably is not going to be supported officially and there are no add-ons on the horizon, I would like to get this done via queries.

Can anyone please help me come up with the following queries:
  1. Export the list of discouraged IPs from XenForo forum #1
  2. Import this list into XenForo forum #2, but
a) avoid skip importing duplicate entries
b) without overwriting existing entries​
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