Lack of interest Spam management: Share data about banned and discouraged IPs between forums

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Well-known member
The most tedious part of managing forums for me is looking up spammer IPs, researching their subnets, and discouraging or banning an entire or partial subnet, where justified. Manually discouraging bad subnet neighborhoods is extremely effective in cutting down on spam in cases where StopForumSpam and other third-party services fail.

Because I manage multiple forums, all that work has to be duplicated every time I ban or discourage a new IP or subnet of IPs. Anyone who manages two or more active forums will know exactly what I'm talking about.

It would be great to be able to share data about banned/discouraged IPs between different forum installations. Maybe this data could be stored in an external file instead of MySQL or an option could be added to import and export it quickly so it can be shared among different forums.
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What if people had a proxy or software that blocks other people form viewing their IP?(like I do) For example:Hide My IP.
People who use proxies or otherwise fake their IPs are not welcome on my forums.
Well,IP trackers are not welcome to track my IP so I guess we're both even! People don't have to let themselves be tracked. Think of it,people could track your location with IPs.:eek:
Well,IP trackers are not welcome to track my IP so I guess we're both even! People don't have to let themselves be tracked. Think of it,people could track your location with IPs.:eek:
To the nearest county or city at best. What's the problem?
People using proxies, however, can be an issue if someone uses one to spam. Chances are that stopforumspam will flag that IP as a spam source and users if it will get excluded from forums.
I don't really have a problem. It's just that I don't want people to track me,not even my hometown(or at least make them think it's not my real location,)no matter where I am on the internet and/or whoever's influencing me.
That's your prerogative but consider this. Do you have a store card of some kind? If you do, the store track what you buy, where from and when. Do you have a credit card? If you do, the credit card company can track where you purchase goods and how much you spend. Do you walk around in built up areas without a mask on? Because people can use security cameras to track your location. Do you use a mobile phone? Because anyone who has the ability can track your location and all your movements 24/7.
People can use all these methods to track you. If you're worried about being tracked, you should be worried about these other things also. Except unless you're breaking the law in such a way that the authorities would want to go the considerable effort of getting this information, there is nothing really to be worried about, is there?
The most tedious part of managing forums for me is looking up spammer IPs, researching their subnets, and discouraging or banning an entire or partial subnet, where justified. Manually discouraging bad subnet neighborhoods is extremely effective in cutting down on spam in cases where StopForumSpam and other third-party services fail.

Because I manage multiple forums, all that work has to be duplicated every time I ban or discourage a new IP or subnet of IPs. Anyone who manages two or more active forums will know exactly what I'm talking about.

It would be great to be able to share data about banned/discouraged IPs between different forum installations. Maybe this data could be stored in an external file instead of MySQL or an option could be added to import and export it quickly so it can be shared among different forums.

Just export the bans table and import it into your other database.
Just export the bans table and import it into your other database.

Unfortunately that's not a good solution, because this work is done daily on multiple forums. So some IPs in these different databases overlap while others are unique, and new ones are added all the time.
This is still an issue after several years of running multiple forums. Please allow exporting Discouraged IPs and Banned Emails to a file and importing it to another forum.
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