XF 2.1 Setting Badge image?


Well-known member
I used to have this working via another thread I participated in here, but upon looking at that thread and trying again, it doesn't seem to work properly now?

For some reason, the badge image is applying under the username, not replacing the role name:

This is the CSS I used:
.spinosaurus {
  background-image: url("/badges/Spinosaurus.png");

I am unsure of why the badge isn't showing properly.

This is what the group's settings look like:

Any assistance would be much appreciated. I have tried both with and without the stuff in User name CSS. Doesn't seem to make a difference. With it, it appears under name, but I don't want that. I want it to replace the role/badge/banner name.

EDIT: I also tried multiple CSS tricks from this thread:


Neither one seems to show badges properly. They both show this for me:
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