Setting an entire group to be able to see the moderation queue



I am having trouble setting up a user group to be moderators. I have given it all the mod permissions but they still can't see the moderation queue. Does every single person have to be manually added as a moderator just to see the queue? Or is there a simple way to make the entire group able to see it?


You need to explicitly make members moderators in order for them to see the moderation queue.

  • In order to have access to all of the moderator tools and functionality, and to appear as Staff, a user must be explicitly made a moderator.
  • Adding a user to the Moderating user group does not make them a moderator, it only accords the user title and permissions associated with that user group.
  • The Moderator Bar is visible for all users who are made moderators. However, the Moderation Queue and Reported Items are only accessible with the following moderator permissions enabled:
    • Moderation Queue - View moderated threads / posts and Delete thread by anyone and Edit post by anyone.
    • Reported Items - Delete post by anyone or Edit post by anyone.
  • If a user is given moderator permissions without being made a moderator, the Moderator Bar, Moderation Queue, and Reported Posts will not be accessible.
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