I have a custom field which, when I tick the checkbox on the thread manually, appears in the
If I set the value of this custom field in code using
however, i end up with an entry in the db that looks exactly the same to me but the checkbox on the thread stays unchecked for that thread. If I go and check it and save then the db looks the same after, but the checkbox is checked on the thread, so something has changed but I can't see what.
Am I missing another part to setting a checkbox custom field value in code?
table with field_id | is_imported |
field_value | a:1:{s:8:"imported";s:8:"imported";} |
If I set the value of this custom field in code using
'is_imported' => 'a:1:{s:8:"imported";s:8:"imported";}',
Am I missing another part to setting a checkbox custom field value in code?