XF 1.5 Server Errors Not Being Logged

Pixel Squad Ltd

Active member

I moved to a VPS yesterday, and now my server errors don't seem to be being logged. My new posts page and a couple of other aren't loading, which should be logged in the server error log, but there's nothing there. There isn't anything in the Apache log either.

Can anyone suggest a fix?

The reason my pages wasn't loading was caused by me forgetting to re-upload the .htacess file ( I know, rookie mistake!), but how the issue remains as to why these errors wasn't logged in the server error log?

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If the errors were happening before XF was involved then we can’t log them. You didn’t really explain what errors you were seeing when going to those pages, but if they were not an XF style error page then they were happening at the point before XF was involved.
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