server configuration for XenForo

Never said it would with Debian, said it would play nice on Centos ;)

And, probably got some case issues there, but typing it from memory, they wont be far off.
Among the Linux operating system, OVH offers: classical distributions or ready distributions
Base Distribution​
Distribution ready​
OVH offers you the choice between the following Linux​
Arch Linux operating system in 2013​
1)OS CentOS 5.9
64-bit 32-bit​
2)OS CentOS 6.4
64-bit 32-bit​
Use the stable core and tested OVH (recommended) 's​
Use native distribution kernel (advanced users)​
3)Debian operating system 6.0 (Squeeze)
64-bit 32-bit​
Operating system Debian 7.0 (Wheezy) (BETA)
64-bit 32-bit
Use the stable core and tested OVH (recommended) 's​
Use native distribution kernel (advanced users)​
Operating system Fedora 17 "Beefy Miracle"​
Gentoo operating system in 2013​
64-bit 32-bit​
Operating system OpenSUSE 12.3​
Operating System Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.9​
64-bit 32-bit​
4)Operating System Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4
64-bit 32-bit​
Operating Slackware 14 64bit​
Operating system Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS "Lucid Lynx"​
64-bit 32-bit​
Operating system Ubuntu Server 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot"​
64-bit 32-bit​
Server operating system Ubuntu 12.04 "Precise Pangolin" LTS​
64-bit 32-bit​
Operating system Ubuntu Server 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal"​
64-bit 32-bit​
Ubuntu Server 13.04 operating system "Raring Ringtail" (BETA)​
64-bit 32-bit​
Use the stable core and tested OVH (recommended) 's​
Use native distribution kernel (advanced users)​
Operating system Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server​
64-bit 32-bit​
I have a choice between debian 6 (ok for Percona).​
centos 5 & 6. (ok for Percona)​
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.9. (ok for Percona).​
I am looking for an OS that will protect me (at best) against the DDoS attack (ipban,failtoban).​
I will not be changing "kernel" later, when my forum is in line with the server.​
I want a good start​
An OS alone is not going to do that much agains a DDoS attack. There are other solutions for that.
Anyway I'm in test mode I'll try centos and debian 6
Once I'm comfortable in the server settings, I'll choose my bones that facilitate adjustments parameters. ;)
yum is just like apt,

Add the repository, manually or via RPM: "rpm -Uhv"

Then install percona: "yum install percona-server-client-55 percona-server-server-55"

Then start mysql

/etc/init.d/mysqld start

Secure the install and done.

[root@ks3274156 ~]# yum list | grep percona
percona-release.i386 0.0-1 installed
Percona-SQL-50-debuginfo.i686 5.0.92-b23.88.rhel6 percona
Percona-SQL-client-50.i686 5.0.92-b23.88.rhel6 percona
Percona-SQL-devel-50.i686 5.0.92-b23.88.rhel6 percona
Percona-SQL-server-50.i686 5.0.92-b23.88.rhel6 percona
Percona-SQL-shared-50.i686 5.0.92-b23.88.rhel6 percona
Percona-SQL-shared-compat.i686 5.0.92-b23.85.rhel6 percona
Percona-SQL-test-50.i686 5.0.92-b23.88.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-51-debuginfo.i686 5.1.68-rel14.6.551.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-55-debuginfo.i686 5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-client-51.i686 5.1.68-rel14.6.551.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-client-55.i686 5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-devel-51.i686 5.1.68-rel14.6.551.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-devel-55.i686 5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-server-51.i686 5.1.68-rel14.6.551.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-server-55.i686 5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-shared-51.i686 5.1.68-rel14.6.551.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-shared-55.i686 5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-shared-compat.i686 5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-test-51.i686 5.1.68-rel14.6.551.rhel6 percona
Percona-Server-test-55.i686 5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6 percona
Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-client.i686 1:5.5.30- percona
Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-debuginfo.i686 1:5.5.30- percona
Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-devel.i686 1:5.5.30- percona
Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-galera.i686 2.5-1.150.rhel6 percona
2.5-1.150.rhel6 percona
Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-server.i686 1:5.5.30- percona
Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-shared.i686 1:5.5.30- percona
Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-test.i686 1:5.5.30- percona
jemalloc.i686 3.3.1-1.el6 percona
jemalloc-devel.i686 3.3.1-1.el6 percona
percona-cacti-templates.noarch 1.0.3-1 percona
percona-nagios-plugins.noarch 1.0.3-1 percona
percona-playback.i686 0.6-2.el6 percona
percona-playback-debuginfo.i686 0.6-2.el6 percona
percona-playback-devel.i686 0.6-2.el6 percona
percona-toolkit.noarch 2.2.2-1 percona
percona-xtrabackup.i686 2.0.7-552.rhel6 percona
percona-xtrabackup-debuginfo.i686 2.0.7-552.rhel6 percona
percona-xtrabackup-test.i686 2.0.7-552.rhel6 percona
[root@ks3274156 ~]# yum install percona-release.i386
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base:
* extras:
yum install Percona-Server-client-55 Percona-Server-server-55 Percona-Server-devel-55

Dependencies Resolved

Package Arch Version Repository
Percona-Server-devel-55 i686 5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6 percona 2.9 M
Percona-Server-shared-55 i686 5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6 percona 651 k
replacing mysql-libs.i686 5.1.67-1.el6_3
Percona-Server-shared-compat i686 5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6 percona 3.8 M
replacing mysql-libs.i686 5.1.67-1.el6_3

Transaction Summary
Install 3 Package(s)

Total download size: 7.3 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/3): Percona-Server-devel-55-5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6. | 2.9 MB 00:01
(2/3): Percona-Server-shared-55-5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6 | 651 kB 00:01
(3/3): Percona-Server-shared-compat-5.5.30-rel30.2.508.r | 3.8 MB 00:01
Total 1.5 MB/s | 7.3 MB 00:04
attention: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Entête V4 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID cd2efd2a: NOKEY
Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-percona
Importing GPG key 0xCD2EFD2A:
Userid : Percona MySQL Development Team <>
Package: percona-release-0.0-1.i386 (installed)
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-percona
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.
Installing : Percona-Server-shared-55-5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6.i686 1/4
Installing : Percona-Server-devel-55-5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6.i686 2/4
Installing : Percona-Server-shared-compat-5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6.i686 3/4
Erasing : mysql-libs-5.1.67-1.el6_3.i686 4/4
Verifying : Percona-Server-shared-compat-5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6.i686 1/4
Verifying : Percona-Server-devel-55-5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6.i686 2/4
Verifying : Percona-Server-shared-55-5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6.i686 3/4
Verifying : mysql-libs-5.1.67-1.el6_3.i686 4/4

Percona-Server-devel-55.i686 0:5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6
Percona-Server-shared-55.i686 0:5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6
Percona-Server-shared-compat.i686 0:5.5.30-rel30.2.508.rhel6

mysql-libs.i686 0:5.1.67-1.el6_3

Debain is the way forward, but you're going to need to wait for Percona to update to Debain Wheezy (Debian 7) as it was only released a few days ago. People need to catch up.

Percona works just fine on Debian 6 (also known as Debian Squeeze). If you have a choice between OS's, I can easily setup a LAMP server (Apache, Percona, php) without any issues.

Debian uses fewer resources than CentOS, out of the box. A minimal install before adding anything uses about 1 1/2 MB of Ram. After installing everything, you'd be using only about 10 - 15 MB of Ram. With next to zero cpu load.

Even with a tweaked copy of CentOS .... I've never seen it get close to a Debian install.
if by "MP" to see the config server ;)
I will continue with centos yet by then "Perconna" will perhaps be available for debian7​
if by "MP" to see the config server ;)
I will continue with centos yet by then "Perconna" will perhaps be available for debian7​
Yes, I recall now.... You wanted my opinion on if the basic hardware would be enough to run a server for XenForo. I stand by my original answer, yes.
Percona IS available for Debian 7
Supported Architectures

  • x86_64 (also known as amd64)
  • x86
Supported Releases


  • 6.0 (squeeze)
  • 7.0 (wheezy)

  • 10.04LTS (lucid)
  • 12.04LTS (precise)
  • 12.10 (quantal)
  • 13.04 (raring)
That is for Percona XtraBackup and not Percona MySQL. Their MySQL alternative is still in testing for Debian 7 Wheezy. It's not been yet released to stable.

It's why you'll find no documentation about it here
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