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Separate Sticky and Normal Threads (XF +2.x) by Xon 2.2.0

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It would require changing the template modification, at which point you might as well copy it into your style.
Why has this add-on become so difficult to upgrade?

Before it was upload and go. It even worked without upgrading XF from 1.# to 2.#. I did a file purge, including clean files for add-ons, but when I come back to install this add-on, now I have to download an extra set of files, register on a separate site to do that, which includes providing my XF license.

Upon putting my license in the registration, I get a notification saying it's not valid.

What am I missing?
I did a file purge, including clean files for add-ons
This can break add-ons, I strongly recommend you do not do this.

now I have to download an extra set of files, register on a separate site to do that, which includes providing my XF license.
My StandardLib addon is available from

Practically all my add-ons depend on this add-on, as it contains a number of common tooling used across my add-ons.

Upon putting my license in the registration, I get a notification saying it's not valid.
It requires the 32 character "license token", which comes from the pop-up in the customer area for a given license.

This is an anti-fraud method, and has vastly reduced chargebacks (which cost me $).
You would need to edit the svSeparateStickyAndNormal_macros template and add a <xf:fa> entry inside the div with structItem-cell structItem-cell--icon or target css for .structItemContainer-group--sticky-block .structItem-cell.structItem-cell--icon and .structItemContainer-group--normal-block .structItem-cell.structItem-cell--icon
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