Second hand license

That is the design I chose. I can set it up the same way as the one you posted. Very easy to do. There are multiple ways to show the main page. Unlimited in a way.

Here is a different layout. Then a basic category layout here. The listing area is still being worked on with this one.
the one he uses seems to have more ability.
it can have different layouts on the same site.
main page here.
one category here.
another one here.
it also has the fields that are custom that are used and displayed.
interested if invision can do the same easily?
it is only a setting in the plug in to do it on his site.
i think that may be what tracy was commenting on about either being good with it or hiring someone.
Invision can actually go one better - you can do articles, link directory etc all without any plugins, you can just a new “database” (that’s what the feature is called) for each thing and set up the fields, presentation etc. for each separately.

This site uses Invision databases in various ways with, I think, very few actual plugins -

(And note that regular members can sign up to add items to the directory, it’s not like WordPress where the admin is the primary creator)
Invision can actually go one better - you can do articles, link directory etc all without any plugins, you can just a new “database” (that’s what the feature is called) for each thing and set up the fields, presentation etc. for each separately.
i am familiar with what pages can do.
but how hard is it to get it to do similar features.
can a normal site owner do it or do you have to be a code guru?
i am familiar with what pages can do.
but how hard is it to get it to do similar features.
can a normal site owner do it or do you have to be a code guru?
You can do “nice” out of the box. But if you want to do more than “nice” and really customise it, some coding will needed - but it’ll be HTML/CSS, not PHP.
What if you need a lot of different kinds of articles? Or, for that matter, anything else that is structured data in the Invision Pages Database method.
What I do is I operate a Dokuwiki and Xenforo as a pair, and all the references/pages go on the wiki while the forum handles discussion and media gallery, and I have a bunch of custom structured data fields in use on the wiki. The only catch is Dokuwiki doesn't have a "log in with Xenforo" plugin yet so I'm using separate accounts for now. It's my hope to eventually implement logging on the wiki with XF.
What I do is I operate a Dokuwiki and Xenforo as a pair, and all the references/pages go on the wiki while the forum handles discussion and media gallery, and I have a bunch of custom structured data fields in use on the wiki. The only catch is Dokuwiki doesn't have a "log in with Xenforo" plugin yet so I'm using separate accounts for now. It's my hope to eventually implement logging on the wiki with XF.
What you have going on really does best suit a wiki (I’m in a similar, but much smaller boat, though I found Dokuwiki far too annoying to actually work with, and instead installed MediaWiki).

The kind of data you have is, like mine, semi-structured - nothing you can cleanly put into Invision (which is all about structured data in that content, and multiple types of structured data) but also it doesn’t lend itself to content navigation or cross-creation the same way.

It is, then, a wonderful thing we have choices of tools to work with!
What I do is I operate a Dokuwiki and Xenforo as a pair, and all the references/pages go on the wiki while the forum handles discussion and media gallery, and I have a bunch of custom structured data fields in use on the wiki. The only catch is Dokuwiki doesn't have a "log in with Xenforo" plugin yet so I'm using separate accounts for now. It's my hope to eventually implement logging on the wiki with XF.
I've never managed to get a wiki to work... it seems too complicated to write pages
I've never managed to get a wiki to work... it seems too complicated to write pages
The only things you need to know to write decent Dokuwiki pages are:
  • ====== Page Titles Look Like This ======
  • [[namespace:page_name]] is a link to a page in a namespace, which are basically folders
  • ===== H2, etc =====
  • bullet lists are two spaces then * then another space and your list item, once you make the first one more automatically fill
I'd gladly set one up for you if you never need a hand with it.
Wouldn't it be easier to use an editor? I also wonder how Wikipedia has millions of entries if it's so complicated to write an article without an editor
MediaWiki (the software Wikipedia uses) has an editor. I don’t remember if Dokuwiki has an editor.

But honestly the biggest win is that when you’re just writing content, it’s trivial to set up a link to a new page (either one already exists) or that you need to add later (and it remembers that you set up the link not yet existing) - at least MediaWiki does these things. So for the kinds of content that Wes and I have (essentially mini Wikipedias about fictional worlds and universes) it’s easy to get that content in and organised, without needing to force every page to follow strict templates over what fields must be there.
@Arantor I know we're off on a bit of a tangent here, but Star Army's wiki is using actual structured data too, check out this page for an example of one of our schemas: - These fields, which are attached to characters' wiki pages, let us pull the data from the pages to make auto-updating tables like "list of characters assigned to this starship" or "list of characters born in this year". For them in action check out this example:
That’s not really what I mean when we talk about structured data (that’s much more akin to what you do with Semantic MediaWiki) - what IPS does is offer you a route to creating fully structured data sets I.e. collections of things where the list of fields for each thing does not vary across the collection.

Adding in that kind of data is cool - I keep meaning to adding it to mine but #effort.
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