Second hand license

Invision articles can have any structure. You literally define which fields you want in an article, and you can filter by them, etc.

Functionally you need something like ACF to do the same in WordPress (other plugins exist, writing your own isn’t hard either), but Invision’s feature set is basically “I want to create a series of Things, these are the fields a Thing needs” and it handles storage, display and filtering (though these are customisable to a point)

What this also means is that you can do something like “reviews of books in a field” and “reviews of apps in a field” and “other articles” all from the one built in core feature, and have different fields and filters for each.

Invision articles are well structured but it is always a marginal and "little used" part of invsion.
If I have to make a professional blog (I don't mean a forum with some articles) I prefer to use wordpress which will have I think a billion active sites and ACF over 2 million active installations.
And both free...
Except that’s not what Pages is doing nor what it’s for. Invision has a separate blogs module for blogging. Pages is more akin to custom post types in WordPress except fully built in. (And you don’t have to get a plug-in to add custom post types, though the paid version of ACF can do that)
Is there a site you know of that uses invision pages well ? Do they use it on their own site ?
They do. For example, this tutorial is worth a quick look:

As in, not only do they show you that part of their own site is built in their tools (and I suspect other parts too, e.g. the Invision 5 bug tracker) but they talk about how to do it.

Also worth noting that the Pages feature also ships a media library feature for uploading and organising media to put into content (separate from the gallery etc)
As much as invision pages and articles can be well done, wordpress is much more flexible and certainly does not cost 500 euros to buy and 200 euros every year.
If I had a very active site with invision I would continue to use it for pages and articles but a new or less active site I would use wordpress without thinking.
To get what Invision ships out of the box requires multiple premium plugins which actually costs a healthy chunk of that 200 bucks a year. (Technically it’s not every year. You do need to keep paying at least once every two years, failure to do so voids the licence outright.)
I don't see anything that justifies a 500 euro purchase and a 200 euro annual renewal.
Well don’t use it then. Others feel it is worth it, you don’t. It’s a wonderful thing that we don’t all have to agree on the same things.
Can I see a site that uses the wonder you speak of? I would like to understand what a user would be able to "create" with these options that Invision offers and that are worth spending a lot of money on...
invision dont like so called small people, they love big and rich company.
so buy xenforo cloud hosting i think you got everything included in price!
Can I see a site that uses the wonder you speak of? I would like to understand what a user would be able to "create" with these options that Invision offers and that are worth spending a lot of money on...
You’ve been shown multiple examples already, including Invision using this functionality on their own site. You’re clearly not interested, and that’s OK. Stick to the options you already have and already like - you were never going to be convinced anyway.
you wrote that thanks to invision you can do very special things that you can't do with WordPress unless you buy other paid plugins that cost more than invision.
From the site you showed me I don't see anything special, in fact with wp you could do much better.
I've been using invision for 3 years and I haven't noticed anything that makes me prefer it to xf.
Since you're claiming that invision allows you to make exceptional sites, I'd like to see one made.
You cannot do the things that Invision does out of the box without at least ACF + FacetWP (since we’re not just talking about creating pages that have structured content but also filtering on those) or some similar combination. Other combinations absoluteky do exist but that’s the pair I use when I do that sort of thing in WordPress.

I’m not claiming anything about exceptional, I’m claiming that you cannot do it in WP out of the box without plugins, which is a very different thing. (Or, you’re writing custom code.)

Stop putting words in my mouth.
looks ok.
but the xenforo plug in used here does it better to me.
tracy did comment that pages can do a lot of stuff that the plug ins he uses can.
but he also said that unless you were a coding guy probably not as well.
That is the design I chose. I can set it up the same way as the one you posted. Very easy to do. There are multiple ways to show the main page. Unlimited in a way.

Here is a different layout. Then a basic category layout here. The listing area is still being worked on with this one.
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