Searchable Member Profiles


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I run a multiplayer gaming website where we focus on an entire genre, which encompasses a lot of games, and many players in different regions, with different playstyles and other variables.

I recently installed Social Groups thinking that it might allow members to create groups based on their preferences, so that like minded players can hook up with them. I have found that it has very limited search capabilities (none) so I don't think this is going to work.

What I am thinking now is adding a number of custom user fields, in which users select what is most suitable for them. Other users can then use a search page which includes all of these fields, to filter down the relevant users to play with.

Any suggestions?

My website is if that helps.
This might work:

I'm not overall thrilled with the quality of the styling in this add-on but that's noting you probably can't fix yourself. The important thing is, this allows you to search on the content of custom user fields, so it might do what you want.
I think only checkboxes and drop drown menus would work, I don't really want users entering data into a text field as there are too many variables.
I'm looking at this for location and specific types of interests
The only way is to have slections pre set
Or else one person puts England and another puts UK and another puts London
so a search wouldnt bring all 3 if you wanted UK
I'm looking at this for location and specific types of interests
The only way is to have slections pre set
Or else one person puts England and another puts UK and another puts London
so a search wouldnt bring all 3 if you wanted UK
Exactly the same thing here.

Let me know how you get on with getting some sort of location list.
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