XF 1.5 search thread started by a user

It used to be possible, but it was removed for reasons unknown, at least to me, back in XenForo 1.3, I believe. It may be possible again in XenForo 2.
You can find all threads started by a user by going to their profile and at the bottom of the Postings tab there's a link to find all of their threads.
No, there's no option surrounding it. If you're sure it's not there (double check where you're looking on here), it might be a style issue.
No, there's no option surrounding it. If you're sure it's not there (double check where you're looking on here), it might be a style issue.
You are right.
These Addons(https://xenforo.com/community/resources/remove-profile-posts.3728/ and https://xenforo.com/community/resources/remove-recent-activity.3499/) seem to remove that point.
So, I could get it back there. But I would still like to have it as an option in the 'Search'-Popup and the 'Advanced Search'.
How could I add a checkbox there that says 'Search only Threads started by this member' and then basically does the same search, that's being done when you click 'Find all threads started by userX' on the 'Postings'-tab?
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Thank you, I will give that a try. And thank you for your many useful addons.
But I would also still like to add this feature on the search page/popup. Hope someone can give me some advice on that.
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