XF 2.2 Find posts in a thread by user

If that's the case, you will have put the username in the keywords input rather than in the "by" input. You don't have to specify any keywords when constraining a search by a member.
But when doing this, search results only return posts where the user was quoted and not where the user is the post author.

Has something changed? How do we achieve this now?
Seems to work for me. Choose this thread and put username in the “By” field
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At https://xenforo.com/community/threads/find-all-posts-by-user-in-specific-thread.186718/ @Paul B said;

But when doing this, search results only return posts where the user was quoted and not where the user is the post author.

Has something changed? How do we achieve this now?
Seems to work for me. Choose this thread and put username in the “By” field

Could it be your are putting the username in the text filed rather than the username field?

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