It searches for templates, but not within templates.
Here's a scenario I am running into every day.
1. Find a style element you want to change. Inspect the element in the browser to find the class(es).
2. Look through style properties, find the element is not handled by style properties.
3. Edit the CSS directly after searching templates.
4. Find the CSS that I hacked into the CSS file is actually clobbered in the bowels of style properties, in an odd place or with a name that doesn't match up with the expected location of the styling. A place that can't be discovered by just searching for the style class.
5. Refuse to accept that this system actually works like this.
5. Punch my desk and shout about this ****ty styling system.
6. Promise that if only this is the last time I run into this problem, I will eat all of my greens at dinner every night.
7. Sink into my chair slowly, not caring about the world.
8. Accept that this is my fate for the rest of my days.