search for partial words


New member

Since I would buy xenforo to a domain name forum, I need search feature be able to match partial words, both in post title and it description.

For example, if a post contains the "" term, a search for "maz" must return the amazon post on search results. Anyway for begin, middle or end parts of text, as "amaz" or "zon" both must returns the amazon related post. As well a search for "" must return the same post.

There is possible with default xenforo search capabilities, or if not, there is a plugin for that?

You may be able to get away with "*maz*" but it would need to be added explicitly and I'm not sure it's guaranteed to work -- performance would be horrendous at the least. It's certainly not the default behavior so custom development would be needed to apply it automatically.
o-o I know I'm probably way off in saying this since I know zero of xenoforo's code. But I think the below query would do the trick.

SELECT * FROM table where field like '%searched%'
I just noticed the Wordpress search works with partial words by default.

I know that it is a blog platform, not a forum system, but it is very interesting if xenforo could do something like that by default too.
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