Abraham54 Well-known member Apr 24, 2022 #1 The color of the scroll-buttons is nowhere to be found in the stile! The color is RGB(89,136, 182) or #5988B6; I don't know how or where to change the color.
The color of the scroll-buttons is nowhere to be found in the stile! The color is RGB(89,136, 182) or #5988B6; I don't know how or where to change the color.
Solution Mr Lucky Apr 24, 2022 Abraham54 said: The color of the scroll-buttons is nowhere to be found in the stile! Click to expand... It's actually the default button color in Style properties basic colours. Looks different due to the opacity setting
Abraham54 said: The color of the scroll-buttons is nowhere to be found in the stile! Click to expand... It's actually the default button color in Style properties basic colours. Looks different due to the opacity setting
O Old Nick Well-known member Apr 24, 2022 #2 You can try this Less: .button.button--scroll { background: #5988B6; } Upvote 0 Downvote
Abraham54 Well-known member Apr 24, 2022 #3 @nicodak - thanks, that is the solution! Upvote 0 Downvote
Mr Lucky Well-known member Apr 24, 2022 #4 Abraham54 said: The color of the scroll-buttons is nowhere to be found in the stile! Click to expand... It's actually the default button color in Style properties basic colours. Looks different due to the opacity setting Upvote 1 Downvote Solution
Abraham54 said: The color of the scroll-buttons is nowhere to be found in the stile! Click to expand... It's actually the default button color in Style properties basic colours. Looks different due to the opacity setting
Abraham54 Well-known member Apr 25, 2022 #5 @Mr Lucky - yes, you are my hero - now I know again how it works. Upvote 0 Downvote
Mr Lucky Well-known member Apr 25, 2022 #6 Thanks. These things can be trial and error as browser inspect elements doesn't show the xenforo palette colour, only the actual colour code. And browser colour picker shows colour as seen after opacity percentage is applied. Upvote 0 Downvote
Thanks. These things can be trial and error as browser inspect elements doesn't show the xenforo palette colour, only the actual colour code. And browser colour picker shows colour as seen after opacity percentage is applied.