XF 2.3 Safely handling WYSIWYG content


Well-known member
What is the best practice for saving and retrieving content from the editor (wyswiyg form control) to prevent XSS attacks?

Is the recommendation to santize upon save?
Render the editor HTML to BBCode.

// controller
$editorPlugin = $this->plugin(\XF\ControllerPlugin\EditorPlugin::class);
$bbCode = $editorPlugin->convertToBbCode($html);

// elsewhere
$bbCode = \XF\Html\Renderer\BbCode::renderFromHtml($html);
$bbCode = \XF::cleanString($bbCode);
Sorry to be verbose, but in this case, I store HTML from the editor as is in the database and then convert to BBCode on render each time?
Ideally you should store the BBCode and then convert that to HTML on render. The controller plugin has a built-in method for capturing the WYSIWYG input as BBCode for an entity or whatever.
I tried referencing your code, but receive an error that the method controller is undefined.
// controller
$editorPlugin = $this->controller(\XF\ControllerPlugin\EditorPlugin::class);
$bbCode = $editorPlugin->convertToBbCode($html);

Then I tried calling the item statically, but that is prohibited:
$bbCode = \XF\ControllerPlugin\EditorPlugin::convertToBbCode($html);

Error: Non-static method XF\ControllerPlugin\EditorPlugin::convertToBbCode() cannot be called statically in src/addons/MyAddon/Pub/Controller/MyController.php at line 506

Is there another way to call the controller?
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